June 3, 2015

[Warning: Photos contain Nudity & Sexuality] The Art of Oral Sex.

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Bonus, via FacebookLive, a dialogue with Elephant Editor Waylon Lewis and you, our dear readers:



“Honey, If I can still walk to the kitchen after sex, then you don’t deserve a sandwich.” 


Editor’s Note: This is just one take on sexuality. Enjoy it—or not. Sex should be fun, and mutual, and extra-ordinary—not taboo. In that spirit, may this be of some benefit. ~ ed.

Oral sex is just as delicious for us as it is for our men. And while each woman is different, there are certain techniques to help ensure that not only will she be screaming with pleasure at the end—her legs will be left weak and shaking.

Unless foreplay has been going on all day though erotic and sexy messages, your partner will need a little heating up. Start by kissing her mouth tenderly, then biting her lips. If mutually agreeable, grab her by the hair (no pain!) and let her know that you intend to take control of her. You can take turns, taking control.

While you are moving between slow shallow kisses, and deep penetrating kisses, let your hands roam her body—her skin, grabbing at her flesh and softly running your fingertips along her back so goose bumps arise.

Let your tongue trail down her neck, and her ear lobes. Suck on her neck alternating with small bites while you begin to massage her breasts, moving your thumbs over her nipples as you start to rub your hand over her pussy—without penetration.

Whisper in her ear that you want to taste her, and feel her cum in your mouth. Tell her that just tasting her makes you hard and you want to lick her until she can’t walk.

Gently slide one finger down over her clit and into the opening of her pussy, feeling how wet she already is. With one finger gently repeat this several times while sucking on her nipples, lightly biting them as well. To tease her a bit slide your fingers inside of her, while you take her entire nipple in your mouth—if she gasps and raises her hips you’re on the right track.




When she is fully ripe and ready to be licked, her clit should feel like a small pearl underneath your fingers, and the lips of her pussy should be swollen and wet.

Once you feel your woman ready for you, begin licking and kissing down her stomach. Don’t rush on this, as alluring as it is, anticipation will drive her wild. Spend some time on her lower abdomen and hip areas, including the crease of her thighs—kissing and licking, both softly and firmly. Grab her ass with your hands and kiss the inside of her thighs, alternating between using soft kisses with your tongue and deeply sucking and nibbling her skin.

Once it seems she won’t be able to take anymore, take the tip of your tongue and flick it against her clit. Do this several times and then place your entire mouth over her clit and suck while making up and down motions as you do. Don’t be afraid to use (a little) bit of your teeth to help with stimulation.

At this point she will be moaning and unable to control her body, if her back is arching and bringing her pussy down away from you, grab her ass and bring her further into your mouth.

Let your tongue relax and lick her pussy up and down giving a little suck to her clit every time you reach the top of it. Let your tongue circle around the opening of her pussy before you put it inside of her to taste her. When you do this gently take your thumb and rub her clit slowly.

When you’re ready to have her climax for you, lick her pussy up and down again, this time firmly latching onto her clit and sucking and moving up and down like before except this time move your fingers inside of her and begin gently humming while you’re sucking—the vibration you create will make her have a leg shaking orgasm.

Don’t stop even once you start to feel her spasm and shake—don’t stop until you feel her cum and then pulse and throb against your mouth. Gently kiss her pussy and let your fingers move up and down her thighs.

Let your woman guide you at this point, depending on the strength of her orgasm she may need a few minutes to let her breath settle, or she may guide you right into her mouth or inside of her.

For a woman who has embodied her inner goddess, this type of sex is more intimate than anything else, because you are at the very core of her sexual being, and tasting every single part of her. This is where you will get to feel her every breath catch, and experience the waves of pleasure as they rise from her body.

This is the ultimate surrender of a conscious woman to a man she trusts.

And although she currently may be left breathless—trust me, she will show you her appreciation.



“I’ll stop writing about sex when people stop being interested in it.” ~ Erica Jong


Relephant Reads:

6 Ways to Have Radically Intimate Sex.

Plus: How to have a fun, sexy, heartfelt, genuine, mutual experience when making love.


Author: Kate Rose

Editor: Travis May

Images: Photography by The Torture Artist Photography by Jeff Fiore. Used with permission.

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