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September 23, 2019

What To Do (& NOT) When Your Day Goes From Bad To WORSE.

I love Sundays and what they mean to me…Relaxation, Reflection, Reading and Writing. This Sunday though was anything but! 

Let me tell you what happened…

One of THOSE days

It started out as a beautiful day. I woke up and the dogs had already gone downstairs with Jimmy. I could smell the banana bread baking in the oven as I came into the kitchen with  sleepy, but cheerful, “Good Morning!”

“Not really,” said Jimmy said as he nodded towards the dining room. 

Shit — literally, shit on the dining room floor. Again!

Our adorable, newly rescued, ten-year-old Westie, Tommy just doesn’t seem to get that you do not shit and pee in the dining room! 

I mean, the DINING ROOM for Heaven’s sake!! 

The fact that Jimmy hadn´t cleaned the mess up left me feeling more than a little out of sorts but (I told myself) he was making banana bread, after all.

So, I cleaned it up and then, taking my freshly brewed cup of coffee, I headed upstairs to do some meditation.If nothing else,  that should surely put me in a better frame of mind – dammit.

And, after listening to Abraham & Ester guide me through my current daily ritual, I did feel a bit better.

From bad to worse…

After meditating, I was on my way downstairs when I saw, to my horror — Tommy was at it AGAIN!

That little devil was shitting on the dining room carpet AGAIN!!! Goddamn it!

I hollered, I stomped, I reprimanded and scared – well, no shit left, so – the hell out of the poor dog. At that point, I was SO annoyed that I was getting mad at everyone. Jimmy, Tommy and Maggie — who you may remember is Tommy’s wife and who was being an angel, thank you very much.

After cleaning things up yet AGAIN, I was so frustrated that I went back upstairs muttering “I just need to be by myself for a bit so I can START THIS F*CKING DAY OVER!”

In tears, I went into the bedroom coaching myself to just breathe and feel the feelings that are coursing through me, because I know trying to resist them just adds to the problem. After a few minutes, I actually start feeling better.

A bit later, when Jimmy thinks it’s safe to speak, he gently suggests I might like to go to the garden store to “look at all the pretty flowers” and bring some home for the unplanted pots. My first thought is “if I leave, I just may not return” and, as I drive away, I ́ll admit there was a part of me that wanted to keep right on going – all the way to Oregon!

But, after spending about an hour away (and a lot of money!)I did in fact go home.  On the bright side, of course, I now have some beautiful flowers that make me smile whenever I look at them.

Have a nice trip!

When I got home, I decided to start planting the large pot in the front before moving into the backyard. We´d had some major hail damage to all the pots back there, so I was on a mission to repair and replenish. 

As I finished one of the patio pots, I turned to look at the hanging baskets in the garden. Taking a step to get closer, I tripped over Maggie, stumbled, thought I caught myself, stumbled again and fell – quite literally – flat on my face on the lawn.

The good thing was…I didn’t get hurt, and I didn’t fall in a pile of shit! (Because I was outside and not in the dining room!)

At this point, I was just about out of my mind.

How many times does a girl have to start her f*cking day over I ask? 

What I  really wanted to do was go over to my neighbors and spend some time with her horses, which always makes my heart sing. I just feel better when I’m there. The world seems to drop away. Heaven — just three short blocks away.

But, the way the day was going, I was hesitant to be in the presence of three BIG horses that could stomp or kick me. I decided to play it safe and just stay home. 

I pick up a book, assuring myself that everything is going to be alright.

And then…

You won´t believe what happened next — Tommy pulls a hat-trick — a f*cking trifecta! How does he shit three times in one day, all in the same spot!? Dear God.

No time to write

Sunday afternoon is normally the time I sit down and write my Snippet. Aren’t you glad I waited? At least now I can see the humor in the day without giving any real contemplation to running away from home or taking the dogs back to Westie Rescue. 

I was “this close” to both!

Worth remembering

I have a few words of wisdom to remember:

  • You can start your day over any time and as many times as you must.
  • Cry, stomp, yell, breathe, but don’t resist or stifle your feelings — let them flow through you.
  • Don’t avoid the things that bring you pleasure out of fear.
  • Calm the f*ck down and be grateful for the good things in your life.
  • Don’t commit to paper, social media or your website anything in the immediate aftermath of a shit-show.
  • Don’t take yourself too seriously (Rule 62)

Have you had a shitty day that you can now laugh out loud about? God, I would love to hear it, so I know I’m not in this particular boat all by myself. Let me hear from you!!

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