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November 5, 2019

Be Proud of Her

When you see her getting on the bus, be proud of her
When you see her riding her bike in work clothes, be proud of her
When you see her with flowers she bought for herself in her bike basket, be proud of her
When you see her changing clothes in the bathroom because she is soaked with rain water from her bike ride/bus ride for work, be proud of her
When you see her buying healthy items to feed her body, be proud of her
When you see her posting positive memes on social media, be proud of her
When you see her at church by herself, be proud of her
When you see her walking her dog, be proud of her
When you see her choosing happy, be proud of her
When you see her taking off her shoes to ground herself on the earth, be proud of her
When you see her shopping at second hand stores for necessities, be proud of her
When you see her dining alone at a restaurant, be proud of her
When you see her,
Don’t feel bad for her
She is me
I left a toxic marriage
So when I look back on my life?
I can be proud of me

Make today great and remember to #PauseReflectMoveForward

In gratitude,

Holly DressON NOT Holly DressOFF

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