February 6, 2020

February 9th: Let Go & Love Hard this Full Moon in Leo.

Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


“I’m selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can’t handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don’t deserve me at my best.” ~ Marilyn Monroe


There’s a lot of fire and mixed emotions beaming us up for the Full Moon in Leo on February 9th, 2020.

Check your energy levels, where your mentality is at, and what emotional attachments are keeping you stuck and suffering in your own bullsh*t.

We can no longer suppress and deny our internal needs, and must be willing to face our fears and where we are attaching to people, things, patterns, and thoughts that don’t align with our ultimate heart’s desire.

It’s time to own your authenticity, ditch insecurities, and learn to live stable within yourself—radically embodied within your own heartfelt soul. If you don’t know who are, this would be a good time to gain self-awareness and do some self-study. 

To connect to our own heart, we must be willing to feel, open, and tap into our joy and most blissful and passionate state.

This full moon in Leo is forcing us to find balance within so we can feel good and shine in who we are. Because the opposite of Leo is Aquarius, we are challenged with really tuning into our emotions and checking in on our own self-worth issues so that we can allow ourselves to change and cultivate our own individuality and uniqueness.

When it comes to love, the hardest challenge for everyone is to embody love. Too often we seek love outside, we want people to be a certain way, and we cling to partners because we unconsciously fear and don’t believe that we can do better. Our conditioning has created fantasies of love that don’t exist.

It’s time now to get real and rooted in yourself and take responsibility for what you’re creating, choosing, and attaching to. Taking strides toward your bigger goals, and following what fills you, can help you live in a more emotionally aligned and mentally stable state. 

This full moon is illuminating where we get ourselves stuck, how we need to get out of our own way, and where we need to let go in order to welcome something or someone better. Remember, it is through hard karmic lessons, karmic soul mates, and heartbreaks, that we all learn to love deeper and love ourselves better.

This moon can help us connect to ourselves, better people, and new opportunities in new ways. But only if we are willing to have confidence in ourselves to go after our deepest dreams and desires while also staying present and unattached to how that manifests. This fire is lighting us up, clearing body toxicity, and freeing us from ways of the past—yet, we must allow it and not fight it or the changes that are presented.

We can embody our greatness by knowing who we are and understanding our soul and the mission that we are capable of achieving. The 2020 paradigm shift is ushering in a new beginning with the Age of Aquarius. It’s our individual and collective responsibility to transform and learn to live with better values, beliefs, and self-respect, so that we can evolve and live in more loving and enlightened ways.

We study astrology, the natural cycles of the moon, and nature to realize our greatest potential and understand who we are on a soul level. We can make sense of our feelings, free ourselves of mental projections, and quit victimizing ourselves or blaming others by taking responsibility for our own lives.

But moving into a conscious and loving state of the heart requires us to look at our own shadow, love our mistakes, and dare to choose better rather than staying trapped in karmic relationships, loveless patterns, and abandoning our own dreams and desires.

Leo and Aquarius, when embodied in their best, most balanced state, teach us to shine by cultivating a better connection with our heart and holding enough self-love to fully rise within and pursue our own heart’s calling. We do this by being ourselves, speaking our truth, breaking free from fear, and finding fulfillment within.

It is love that motivates us, changes us, connects us, and helps us alchemize fear so that we can feel more empowered and secure to give love, share love, and receive love.

Watch how your inner lion roars this month, and what sparks show up to guide you. Know that all people can create a life they love and have good people around when they dare to get vulnerable, ditch self-hate, and hold more love within themselves and with others.

Let go and love this February. 

Cut the cords, release the resistance, and give yourself permission to cry and get any trapped energy out. Too much fire can be self-destructive—ground in, tame yourself, and release reactions. Flow with what feels right, take time to have more fun, and be aware of what and who is now in emotional congruence with who you’ve become. 

We must all take our own journey toward our joy and dreams, let go of what no longer lights us up, and spark the fierce call of our own soul, so that we can live in more magical and harmonious ways.


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author: Kali Bliss

Image: Needpix

Editor: Naomi Boshari