8.0 Editor's Pick
July 24, 2020

See: the Wall of U.S. military vets in Portland last night, standing at Parade Rest.

This scene lifted my heart up again. The citizens of America, teaching the Feds the true meaning of America: This scene lifted my heart. May it lift yours, too. ~ Waylon

Watch my talk with Senator Cory Booker, here, about America breaking our hearts.

Every time I begin to feel hopeless, despondent, defeated—America’s decent citizens re-inspire me.

Wall of US miltary vets in Portland last night, standing at parade rest in solidarity from r/nextfuckinglevel

That’s a great sign.


Displaying a U.S. flag upside down is “a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”


You don’t have to be free of Racism to be an Anti-Racist. You have to begin.

I read a post by Sierra Club, today, about John Muir’s questionable relationship to racist friends, and his own evolving views.


Evolution is all we can ask of the best among us.

It’s easy to be just if we are raised just. It’s easy to be unjust if we are raised unjust.

Raised and surrounded by hate and ignorance?

…if we can grow out of that, we have used every step of the path that is this life well. We have offered up far greater effort than in maintaining any privileged status quo.

Keep talking about anti-racism. Keep learning. Keep sharing. This isn’t a fad, it’s a movement of generations—and the more progress we can realize now, the better.

This movement is not isolated, it is intersectional—affordable housing, feminism, climate change, war, policing, veganism, economy, education—when one leaf turns over, we find our basic goodness wants to awaken to caring in other areas.



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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 863,820