October 8, 2020

“I Deserve Vulnerability” & other Affirmations that Remind us of the Love we Deserve.


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I am more than a pretty face.

I am the outer shell of a divine soul—a soul that radiates the light of a thousand heavens.

I am more than a warm body that can give pleasure.  

I know my worth.

I know what I am deserving of. I will gladly give my time with no reservations. I share my love with abundance because I know where it comes from. 

I will never be alone; God knows my heart and knows what I deserve.

I don’t deserve to be put on hold.  

I don’t deserve to be made important one day and forgotten the next.

I don’t deserve to be made confused.

I don’t deserve to be played like a game.

I deserve the space to love myself.

I deserve selflessness. 

I deserve vulnerability.

I deserve honesty.

I deserve what I am willing to give.  

I deserve my feelings to be validated.

I don’t need to be saved from the others before you—I can do that myself. I have done it 100 times over. 

I need someone who is man enough to do what the others couldn’t—to simply love me. To simply allow me to love back. And to do it with the complete rawness—hearts wide open and receiving every bit of it. 

I know it’s scary. We have all tried before—we love and lose. 

I can’t let that stop me. I can’t stop living. 

I can’t live afraid. I can’t stop growing. 

It’s the work two people do toward a common goal. The hard things in life are where growth happens, and where the blessings come. Real love doesn’t fall on your lap; it’s a reward, and God plants the seed. 

Your heart needs to let it take root. It’s a gift from God. The next step is ours—the work.  

When you let it take root, growth, and blessings happen. 

It’s the love in her eyes when she smiles. That is the seed growing with the help of what he’s giving. 

It’s when she looks up for a moment and sees him staring at her with admiration from a distance. That is the seed growing with the help of what she’s giving.

It’s the actions you take to make things right when you’ve made a mistake. Unfortunately, mistakes will happen.

Love—that real love we all desire—is in praying together and communicating every day about not just the good but the bad. It’s making a promise every day that, no matter what is put in front of us, we will fight it together. 

It’s admitting when some days you can’t hold yourself up and need help. Then, gladly, the other puts in the extra effort to get you back on track. That’s what you do for love. 

You listen. You carry each other’s burdens and pains. You share in the good and the bad. You promise.

You accept. You learn together. You grow together. You stay open to give and to receive. You understand.

You give empathy. You are a team. 

Over and over again.

I don’t want it to be easy. Who wants it easy?

There is no growth in easy. Give me the hard, raw, real work—the kind that gives peace, joy, and fulfillment. The kind that won’t confuse me. The kind that I deserve (with my equal)! 

He’s out there. 

God’s ready to plant that seed. 

I am deserving. 

I am worthy.

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Cynthia Williams  |  Contribution: 9,760

author: Cynthia Williams

Image: maria.jose.guzman/instagram

Editor: Kate Force