November 30, 2020

Kelly Clarkson’s Cover of Lady A’s “Need You Now” is for Anyone Struggling with Loneliness & Longing.

We’ve all been there:

A tough breakup or divorce.
A fight with a friend.
A separation from family—whether physical or emotional.

A sense of loneliness or longing. Or that ache you get in your chest when your heart feels hollow and empty, but also heavier than you feel capable of managing.

Over the past year, especially, we’ve all dealt with our own version of a broken heart. We’ve spent days, hours, weeks, or months missing those we love and wondering when, or if, we’ll be able to see them again.

Our hearts have been shattered, and yet, we’re still here. We’re feeling it all and we’re trying to heal.

On Kelly Clarkson’s talk show, she recently covered Lady A’s hit, “Need You Now,” and her slowed down, extra emotional but surprisingly simple version is somehow more heartbreaking than the original.

Give it a listen. Let the tears fall. And then reach out to someone you love.

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author: Nicole Cameron

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