December 23, 2020

I Quit my Job during a Pandemic & it Feels So Good.

So, let me tell you about that time I quit my job in the middle of a pandemic.

It wasn’t something I was looking to do; it’s something that just kind of happened.

First off, I’m a teacher. And to set the record straight, I love being a teacher. I thrive on engaging with students in the classroom, devising creative ways to administer my lessons, and overall, just being with them.

Teaching during a pandemic has been hard. Schools all around the world have struggled to find the best way to deal with it. Do we only facilitate online lessons? Do we teach in school every other day? Do we rotate the students coming into the school by grade level? There has been no best way.

The details don’t matter, but what matters is that it takes a lot for a teacher to quit in the middle of a school year, not to mention quitting in the middle of a pandemic, when jobs are tough to come by as it is.

I have received a wide range of reactions to my decision, from:

“You are bold. Thank you for making a statement.”

“I’m jealous. I wish I had the bravery to do that.”


“That’s hilarious!”

“Soooo… you’re crazy. Aren’t you worried?” 

I get it. I get it all. Sometimes, we have to take risks to move forward, whether that’s in the middle of a pandemic or not. Sometimes, we have to put ourselves first—and that’s when things start making sense.

Here’s what happens when we make choices that align with our soul and values: it all works out. When we make the right decision—the thing that’s meant for us—that’s when everything else falls into place.

When I came back from summer break this year, I knew it was for the wrong reasons. I selfishly wanted to live in a particular city, obtain a specific career goal, and search for a specific kind of relationship. I absolutely knew it was wrong in my heart, but I pushed on it anyway because I wanted it all—externally.

But that’s the thing about pursuing a life based on external factors—it never works. It’s only once we become attuned to our internal compass and set forth to create a life that’s in alignment with what we really believe and what we value that the universe starts working in our favor.

I quit my job during a pandemic—but doors opened. Opportunities arrived unexpectedly. Positions I thought were unavailable to me became available. I don’t have it all figured out yet, and I haven’t nailed anything down, but it’s going to work out—because I’m moving in the direction of my heart and beliefs.

I quit my job during a pandemic—and it’s going to be just fine.


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Christina Larson  |  Contribution: 175

author: Christina Larson

Image: Author's Instagram

Editor: Robert Busch