January 30, 2021

Creamy Avocado Coconut Milk Pasta to Cure your Cravings. {Recipe}


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A post shared by Jann Dolk (@janndolk)

A fill-the-belly and feed-the-body meal.

Back in the day, when I was able to let go of my addiction to cheese and go fully vegan, I stumbled upon some version of this hearty meal. It has been a work-in-progress for over six-and-a-half years.

Message to those making nutritional changes that will alter the calorie intake: plan, plan, plan.

I did not account for the load of calories in the daily cheese addiction I had. And over many decades, I sifted through the various alphabet soup types of vegetarian diets.

When I finally went full vegan, I did not fill in more veggies to accommodate the calories lost. I dropped a scary 10 pounds in one month. Okay, some of you have arched those eyebrows past your hairline, but I was a healthy weight. I did not need, nor could afford to lose 10 pounds, or about 4.5 kilos, if I did that conversion correctly.

With fat went muscle—lots of muscle—and I was scared. I quickly learned that body shaming also refers to words like skinny, too thin, and questions asking if I had cancer.

That can be a different article. I needed help and fast.

I found a recipe similar to this and wow, it was dense, loaded with good fats, protein, and dietary fiber. It is also easy to adapt to suit you. And, it can always be a small side dish to pair with a light salad.

Items and supplies:

Pasta: I used a gluten-free, organic fettucine made with edamame and mung beans.

Coconut milk: canned works best for me. Start with a small amount, perhaps ¼ cup.

Hippie dust: nutritional yeast, 1 to 2 tablespoons, but add more if making a larger amount.

Avocado: entire Haas avocado.

Cheese: any vegan brand or homemade. I used the Violife shredded cheddar.

Spices: turmeric, black pepper, cayenne (if you want heat). I use liberal amounts.

Misc: pot with lid, colander, measuring cups and spoons, spatulas, forks and spoons for cooking and for eating, serving bowls or plates, towels, spoon holder, patience, love, and daringness to experiment.

Optional: music; I prefer the sounds of the apartment, both inside and outside.


1. Boil fresh, clean water and add the amount and type of pasta you prefer.

2. Mise en place all of the following:

Coconut milk in measuring cup >> spices and small spoon >> hippie dust and tablespoon >> avocado, sliced in half (slices made with a knife, to be ready to scoop out into pot >> vegan cheese.

3. Once the pasta is done, still al dente, place it in a colander and set aside, but nearby, on a towel. Place the hot pot back on the burner and add the remaining ingredients listed above, in the order noted. Stir. Keep stirring occasionally: this is not a long process, you are looking for a saucy consistency.

Okay, truth time. Blooper alert from one of the times I cooked this: I put too much nut milk and realized I was creating a soup—kept adding ingredients, but it only thickened to a stew-like meal. I decided to eat it anyway. So, you can make this creamy, stew-like, or soup. Just do not toss it in the trash unless it is really awful. And, maybe the dog will eat it. Can dogs eat avocados?

4. Sorry, back to the present time. Add the drained pasta back into the pot and gently fold this creamy, saucy goodness together.

5. Plate with intention and love. Remember to give gratitude.


No critters were harmed in the making of this meal. 


Bonus recipe: Tofu Threesome: 3 Tantalizing, Tasty Tofu Dishes.

For a whole bunch of delicious recipes, scroll through my author page.


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author: Janice Dolk

Image: Author's Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra