February 4, 2021

The Ocean is my Home. {Poem}


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We search to define “home” for ourselves, in our encounters, in other people, in familiar places, through the places we fit and the places we don’t.

We seek a profound connection to this world, a sense of belonging.

Here’s the thing though, home isn’t within other people. It isn’t curling up in another’s existence or accolades. It isn’t seeking validation or opinions of others.

Home is here, in each of our breaths and heartbeats.

Our home is in ourselves and coming back to our power, our center, when the world feels disorienting and chaotic is key. It isn’t only key, but it is how we can make positive, grounded change in the world.

I no longer search for home in places. Home is within me, and there is no better place that reminds me of that than the ocean.


the ocean is my home.

it doesn’t matter where i have been
who i have been with.

she doesn’t care for my mistakes
or how i look when i show up to her.

she simply takes all of me as i walk into her,
engulfing me in her salt and purity.

her water wraps around my waist, my shoulders,
my legs, restoring my being.

she takes all of me and never asks why or what.
she takes all of me and rinses off the story i have brought her.

the ocean is my home.



I wrote the book Rewild Her as a way to learn to speak what I was desperate to express. The words were drawn from a feeling of not quite fitting into the mold society placed me in.

It was a way to feel seen and heard. The words felt like stability, support, and understanding amidst chaos.

For those who are doing the rising, the falling, the losing, and the finding, I wrote this for you.


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Sara Braidwood  |  Contribution: 350

author: Sara Braidwood

Image: Author's own

Editor: Naomi Boshari