April 21, 2021

A Poem on Vulnerability, Authenticity & Letting Ourselves be Seen.


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“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It’s about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.” ~ Brené Brown


Our true selves.

I think the hardest part about being seen in our truest form is being stripped of all our walls and defenses and being completely vulnerable.

Vulnerability is terrifying and takes bravery, strength, and a willingness to first understand and accept who you are and then the courage to allow others to see you authentically.

Authenticity has always been important to me. Mean what you say, say what you mean, and be exactly who you are. No filter. With that said, being yourself is easier said than done.

I have never tried to be anything else, but showing who I am has often felt like a game of hide and seek. I hide behind layers of ice and stone until I’m wholly comfortable.

Once I feel safe, I can be exactly who I am.


Who am I?

I am a thick barricaded wall covering a pure and loving heart.

I am quick wit and sarcasm masking anxiety and insecurities.

I am stoic and unwavering.

I am cold and unapproachable.

I am all of this yet none of this—

until my trust outweighs my fears.

And then—I am me.

I am soft and I am vulnerable.

I am selfless and I am thoughtful.

I am encouraging and I am supportive.

Peeled rough layers unveil—

a warmth that can entice the coldest of hearts.

Patience so nurturing it can tame the wildest beast.

A fiery spirit igniting a lost soul in the darkest of places.

Give me the freedom to be me, and I’ll show you who I am.

I’ll show you the hidden treasures and all the parts I’ve kept close.

Treasures only found in the illumination of trust and comfort.

My mystery is not intentional; it is cautious.

Caution I want to eliminate.

Walls I wish I could eradicate.

Permanently unpeeled and open.

then I can show you who I am.


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Tomi-Anne Raue  |  Contribution: 3,650

author: Tomi-Anne Raue

Image: @josiesillustrations

Editor: Naomi Boshari