April 22, 2021

Practicing the Art of Feng Shui: How & Why it Really Works.

Many people get caught up in the mystery of Feng Shui instead of focusing on the “magic” that results when you consciously and intentionally connect to what you want and desire.

When you approach it this way, focused on what you desire to create, you will be receiving help while retaining a connection to and being a part of the solutions that arise.

As your energy becomes focused and aligned with your intentions, you are able to co-create with powerful outcomes.

You may not be familiar with the ancient art of Feng Shui, which seeks to create beneficial outcomes by channeling energy called “chi” to create harmony within the home or working environment.

It utilizes five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water, assigning meaning and focus to each. The understanding of the placement of each of these elements within your existing environment and adjusting to optimize energy flow is the basis of the practice.

Much of what propels Feng Shui solutions is the clients’ sense of being stuck and unable to make significant changes in their lives or business, the changes that they need in order to create what they desire.

Over the years, I’ve studied and utilized Feng Shui alongside my mainstream practice of Architectural Interior Design. As I gained experience, it was sensical that many things came into focus and with that, an understanding on a conscious level much of what I’d been practicing intuitively.

This is some of what I’ve observed and a way I found to move forward in my desire to co-create the best outcomes:

>> Feng Shui intervention is often born from frustration and fear, or deep desires that have not been met. Looking for solutions to life by adjusting your exterior/outer environment is one way of taking action, but no real and lasting, sustainable solution will be revealed until you address how you acknowledge and then act on your intentions. Doing the inner work is where real and lasting change is born.

>> Feng Shui “activates” or energizes aspects of your environment to change, or creates the energy for change. And the energy behind it can be translated into everyday living, giving direction to the actions you take daily on a conscious level, so that the “doing” results from acknowledging, processing, and healing, all of which goes a long way in creating positive outcomes.

>> Feng Shui solutions initiate an end-of-project review, a way to emphasize how powerful the client is in fulfilling desires and realizing goals when they are consciously aware of how they are creating their life. This is in part to demystify the art of Feng Shui but more importantly to address the belief in solutions outside of oneself.

On review, it goes something like this: when you stand back from the solution can you see your part in it?

>> When you identify a problem to be solved or a desire to be fulfilled, you have put a focus on it, consciously recognizing it, which means that you can begin to make adjustments. This can be a form of organizing and decluttering what is in your mind.

>> When you articulate the problem or desire, state it to others or your journal, ask for help, or seek guidance, you are energetically calling in resources, those being the things you need to create action—time, money, relationships, vitality, health, and so on.

>> Your energetically activated intention draws all of what you need—and why is this? Because you have come to believe in the possibility; you adjust your output, your speech, your actions, and so on. That most likely will result in creating/drawing to you the thing you so desire or a close iteration of it.

>> When an adjustment is made to your physical environment that activates one or more senses, you begin to align with the energy of the intent of the adjustment; in other words, you begin to resonate with what can be.

>> As you adjust to the belief that change can or has happened, that something is changing or growing or receding, your energy supports the actuality of it; your actions follow your intentions.

>> It is both right and good to create a way to recognize your needs and desires and then acknowledge and ask for the resources you require—and many times that means creating a space with the energy that speaks loudly to the thing that you are asking for. In all, it started with you.

>> A solution may not come immediately or even soon, but it will come in the way and form that best suits you. For now, it is a process. Give time and space for the best outcomes.

There is no mystery here, but it might feel like magic.

Or perhaps you are the magic.


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author: Brenda Bacon

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