July 5, 2021

No Matter What, I Love You & Always Will.

I am wearing a three-quarter sleeve shirt tonight to bed.

It’s not the only one I own, but I wear it often lately.

It’s mine, but it reminds me of the ones of yours I would slip on before crawling into bed next to you and interlacing my feet and hands in yours.

Things have changed a lot over the years, but my love for you has not.

I still miss your hand in mine.

I still miss being cold from your fan.

I still miss your three-quarter sleeve shirts I wore like dresses and baked cookies in.

Maybe we weren’t meant to be together forever.

Maybe we were only three-quarters of a match.

Maybe this is true.

Maybe I’m not as attracted to men as I tried to portray to you.

Maybe I loved you, just not romantically.

Maybe we were meant to walk a short distance together on this journey.

Maybe this is for the best.

After all, we were only three-quarters of a match.

I really did want to make it work.

I wanted to be your forever.

I wanted this to last.

Three-quarters of a match more or less, I still love you.

I love you and always will.

Keep smiling.

Keep dancing.

Keep growing your wicked beard.

Share your beautiful heart with another woman the way you did with me.

Share all of you.

You’re a special one, snuggles.

May someone love you as much as I do.

May you fall in love again.

May there be endless sparks and the match you’re looking for.

She’s out there.

While I wish it were me, it’s not.

Keep searching.

You’ll find her one day.

And when you do, know I am happy for you.

Know it’s okay.

Know I love you and always will.


Your Cuddles


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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,490

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Chermiti Mohamed/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson