July 18, 2021

Sweet Bites of Mapled-Tofu with Brussel Sprouts & Bok Choy. {Recipe}


Who doesn’t want a pop of sweetness in their life?

This is a bit of a sequel to a previous recipe, the one where I explored fenugreek seeds and maple syrup.

Ingredients and supplies:

Tofu: organic, super-firm, or maybe it is extra-firm. I used Nasoyo.

Veggies: Brussel sprouts, bok choy.

Spices and aromatics: fenugreek seeds, ginger, turmeric, black pepper.

Oil: sesame plain. But any or none will do.

Grains: I chose pre-cooked udon noodles.

Liquids: lime, maple syrup.

Misc.: sauté pan, pot (if making grain, and not pre-cooked), spatulas, utensils for cooking and eating, cutting boards, towels, chef’s knife, spoon holder for cooking, pot holders or just use a corner of a towel. Good mood, or let it happen as the magic unfolds. Love, patience, and a keen eye on that one cat who has to be in on the action.

Yes, Ofelia, talking about you.


Okay, let’s get started. Wash those grimy mitts of yours and clean that counter.

1. Mise en place all of the stuff listed above minus the cat.

2. If you are cooking a grain such as rice or noodles, factor in the time needed to cook it.

3. Press the tofu—I only use a towel and my superpower Wonder Woman strength. Insert laugh here. Cut it into bite-sized cubes.

4. Chop the base off of the washed bok choy. Cut off the hard ends of the clean brussel sprouts and gently remove their light jackets. Cut in half lengthwise.

5. Turn on the overhead stove light, and turn on the burner. Add oil of choice—start with a little. Add spices after a minute.

6. Add the tofu. It takes about 3-4 minutes per side, so if you want crunchy brussel sprouts, add them after you flip the tofu. Or, add them now if you like a softer texture.

7. I typically add the lime and maple syrup after I flip the tofu and make sure the brussels are getting both sides cooked. But, you can add them earlier if you want a more caramelized dish.

8. Bok choy goes in last; it only needs seconds. Well, unless you like wilted better, and that is okay.

9. When I made this particular one, I put the pre-cooked udon noodles in almost boiling water. Nope, was not necessary. I cut out that step next time and saved a pot and lid from needing washing and another burner from being lit. Save energy, conserve water. Another win for Mamma Earth.

10. I put the pre-cooked noodles in the pan after the juices; it only needed a little heat.

11. Decide on a bowl, utensils, or chopsticks, a quiet soothing place to eat, and remember to give gratitude. Enjoy!


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author: Janice Dolk

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