August 4, 2021

10 Questions to ask Ourselves when Making a Decision.

There is no better feeling than that of deep resonance.

That feeling of “yes-ness” and an inner pull that seems to tug at our tummies with a slim string.

The feeling of getting a hot plate of our favorite food after a long period of anticipation.

I love that feeling. And I’m getting better at arriving there. I’m getting better at trusting the pings and pangs of my intuition.

With all the noise of ego consciousness, it’s imperative that we find a way back to our own bodies and minds. Asking ourselves pointed questions is a way for our psyche to process information and cut through the confusion.

Whenever we are feeling out of sorts or not sure what decision to make, asking these 10 questions can help us refocus and find the truth that works for us:

1. What decision or conclusion makes me feel the most relaxed in my body?

2. Am I making this decision for the good of myself or the good of someone else? Or both?

3. How will I feel psychologically after making this decision?

4. When I weigh the decision, what choice makes me feel at peace, no matter the consequences or outcome?

5. What is my first instinct with this decision even if it goes against my logic?

6. Is there a part or piece of this decision that doesn’t feel right, even if the overarching response is a “yes?” What part or piece doesn’t work for me?

7. Am I being influenced by someone else’s conditioning, beliefs, or life circumstances when I make this decision?

8. Which decision or conclusion will help me sleep better tonight?

9. When I weigh this decision, how does my body react? My mind?

10. After making this decision or choice, will I still have love, respect, and honor for myself?

Our brains benefit from a certain amount of structure. Having pointed questions is a way for our minds to filter out information that is not serving us or the situation we are in.

Remember, also, to sit and get present before delving in. Send your energy down into the earth and connect with the body. We already have all the answers within us—it’s simply a matter of reconnecting and trusting.

Please let me know how these questions helped you in the comments!


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author: Elizabeth Gordon

Image: Piyapong Saydaung/Pixabay

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra