August 2, 2021

Lion’s Gate Portal & Leo New Moon: 8 Ways to Maximize the Energy. {8/8/21}


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


The New Moon in Leo is 8/8 at 8:49 a.m. (CST). This New Moon is on the Lion’s Gate portal, which is 8/8 every year.

The Lion’s Gate portal happens when the sun lines up perfectly with the star representing the lion’s eye in the constellation Leo. (Many say it lines up with Sirius, the dog star, but if you look at an astronomical map, you will see the alignment).

If we were to look back to July and August in previous years, we’d probably notice big changes in our lives: relationships, home locations, events, job changes, values, and the list goes on.

This year, there is a new level of new as the New Moon will be in Leo at the peak of the Lion’s Gate. This is rare.

The ABCs of this potent energy:

>> Attracting Abundance and Prosperity

>> Blissful Brilliance and Intuition

>> Considerable Creations and Manifesting

Also worth noting, Leo is sitting directly opposite Aquarius in the sky, and this potent energetic time is sandwiched between two Aquarius Full Moons. What does this all mean?

Heightened potential! Do not let the current energy pass you by!

Here are eight ways to maximize the energy of this New Moon in Leo on the Lion’s Gate:

1) We can all benefit from breaking down energies of old patterns.

Journaling about old beliefs, doing forgiveness work, and shifting the internal dialogue is a smart choice during this time.

2) Activate abundance with Feng Shui.

The far back left corner of our homes or any room is the wealth and abundance sector of the BTB Bagua Map in Feng Shui. We can activate the energy by thinking about our desired abundance (which is not just about money), and intentionally placing something representing abundance in that area. For example, we can place a healthy plant like a money tree, four books that signify abundance, or set up a prosperity altar.

3) Given this is a time to illuminate our soul’s path, we can pay attention to the physical lights in our home, which are symbolic of new ideas, wisdom, understanding, divine light, and truth.

We can replace any light bulbs that aren’t working, get rid of toxic candles, and remember to check lights that may be hiding, like in the stove, fridge, or closet. Replacing them while holding a fiery intention of igniting our passion will assist in activating our soul’s path.

4) We can look closely at any fears that appear and remember that they are nudging us to take action toward what our soul is calling us to do.

If we are scared of heights, we can climb to a high point and look out in gratitude. If we are afraid of hearing the word “no,” we can put ourselves out there knowing the possibility and move through the fear by doing it anyway.

5) Change is here whether we want it to be or not.

If we don’t have expectations on how things will look at the beginning or end of it, we can’t be disappointed. If we remain aware, curious, and open, we may be presently surprised. Alas, we can also remember life will ebb and flow.

Here are Five Tips to Flow through Life’s Ebbs (vs. Ebbing with the Ebbs).


6) Creating space for a new moon manifesting intention setting on 8/8 will supercharge our intentions.

We only have to be clear on what we want and spend time with it. Here are a few ideas for intention setting:

  • Journal
  • Write a mantra
  • Share with a friend
  • Share with a plant and ask it to grow with you
  • Write a poem
  • Walking meditation
  • Breathwork
  • Give gratitude
  • Leave love notes and flowers on strangers windows
  • Write a present letter to your future self
  • Bury a time capsule for your future self
  • Create a Sigil (if you know how)

7) Think about moving on, and move; move furniture, rearrange, travel, or move the body.

During new moons, it is supportive to move silently and restoratively, but we can support movement and change by avoiding being too idle.

8) Spend time listening to our bodies, our inner voice, our intuition, and putting love above all else. Asking our bodies:

“What is the most loving decision for me at this moment, and what do I want now?”

Following what is most loving in each moment will benefit our forward movement. Love above all. Now is not the time to give our power away by listening to what others tell us (this article included—take what may be of benefit and feels good and leave the rest).

We have to remember there will be change. When we release all expectations around the change and flow with it, we will have found the most easeful way through the Lion’s Gate, onto our new illuminated pathway!

Do any of these call to you? I would love to hear in the comments; let’s manifest together!


New Moon

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Gina Nicole Ballard  |  Contribution: 107,155

author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: snakes.n.roses/Instagram

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra