August 10, 2021

Lion’s Gate promised Sh*t would get Thick—15 things to Help.


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“Whether it’s science or magic, if it’s of fun benefit, enjoy!” ~ ed


On Sunday, 8/8/21, we had a New Moon (in Leo) at the Lion’s Gate Portal.

I wrote about it and shared eight ways to maximize the energy.

One of eight: We can all benefit from breaking down energies of old patterns.

Journaling about old beliefs, doing forgiveness work, and shifting the internal dialogue is a smart choice during this time.

It doesn’t matter whether belief in astrology is a thing or a sensitivity to the moon cycles exits. It was number one for a reason—growing pains were almost guaranteed.

From my lens, I have seen a glorious mess:

My dogs are dealing with PTSD from lightning.

I am learning about other dogs transitioning (and some having to be rushed to the vet for other medical things).

Gossip and misconceptions running rampant.

I’ve been consoling a friend as they leave their marriage.

Another friend is in a long and ugly custody dispute.

I had a beautiful shadow conversation, but unfortunately, one birthed from pain.

Vacation plans canceled.

Family members with Covid.

Avid Elephant Journal readers and subscribers may have noticed articles responding to other articles that set off triggers and hurt.

The energy is thick and so concentrated it’s almost as though we can feel it and peel it off. Hello August!

Here is the thing: it’s not happening to us; it really is happening for us. Just like babies cry when they are teething, or children ache when their legs are growing, these are the growing pains that were promised by the new moon of the month. They are the pains that say to us, “you are on the right path, but there are some things, triggers, situations to work through.” So let’s do the damn thing.

I don’t want to bypass that essential message. So by all means, let’s do the damn thing; journal, look at conditioned patterning, do forgiveness work, go to therapy, shift the internal dialogue, set intentions, have hard conversations, learn about trauma bonds, listen to our bodies, and speak up.

And remember, what we focus on, grows, and we can balance all of the work with a bit of happiness.

The first quarter moon is here this Sunday, 8/15, and is a time of action and building energy around what we are designing with our choice and focus.

It is a time for us to ask, “What right action can I make that will move the needle forward?”

When we go inward, get that answer, then do that thing, we will come into alignment. During this intense time, we can benefit by adding both work and joy action items.

Following are 15 action items we can take on a first quarter moon to spark some delight and balance the work:

1. Leave flowers or a single flower on random cars.

2. Buy a coffee or tea for the next person in line.

3. Go into nature in the morning and leave seeds or millet for a bird. Watch the bird take the food to their family, then come back for more. Then leave them more until they stop coming back.

4. Venmo someone a tip or a gift for lunch.

5. Become a pen pal for someone in a senior community. A good place to begin is checking out local facilities through Village Concepts, and inquire.

6. Send a favorite audiobook or book to a friend.

7. Have sex with a loving partner or self if it’s enjoyable.

8. Sing a song for or record a poem for a loved one, and send it via email or text.

9. Donate to a local foster care or foster care coalition.

10. Belly dance (with a hip scarf is much more fun)

11. Write a love letter for a stranger. When I do this, I don’t address it to any one name. I start with “Dear You,” or “Dear Finder.” Then I think of someone I love dearly or write a letter to my own inner child about how I appreciate them and love them. I seal the envelope and write “For You” on the front. I then leave it on a park bench or a public dining table when I go out for a walk, for someone to find. Sometimes I leave money in one for a coffee on me.

12. Cuddle with dogs. When we don’t have animals, we can borrow one or walk the neighbors with dogs.

13. Write a feel-good note of affirmation for a loved one, then hide it for them to find.

14. Write a thank you note to self, then hide it to find later in a spot that might surprise (suitcase, or a drawer not often explored).

15) Watch the “Dumbest Answers Ever! Steve Harvey is SPEECHLESS! Family Feud.” The title fits, but my husband and I get lost in laughter together in these Steve Harvey videos!

In the midst of this super interesting collective energy, nudging us all on an illuminated path forward, we can focus on just a bit of joy as we do the work and process the sludge. Through the hard conversations, the tough scenarios, gossip, and triggers, there can be joy. And planting that seed is sure to bring more joy.

What do you do for more smiles and laughter? I would love to know! Please share in the comments. May the rest of your August be a beautiful unfolding, and may any growing pains bring the blessing of expansion.


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Gina Nicole Ballard  |  Contribution: 107,155

author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: snakes.n.roses/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra