August 9, 2021

What a Strong Woman really Wants & Needs.

I am on a quest to figure out where I belong as a strong, capable, independent woman who has the same needs sexually, physically, and emotionally as someone who may be less driven, have less desire to be independent, and maybe isn’t as confident or emotionally strong.

We are all different. We all have our strengths and our weaknesses and we all bring something unique to a relationship.

The truth is, just because a woman is powerful and in control of most areas in her life does not mean that she doesn’t have the ability to be emotionally weak, passionate, sexual, or feminine.

Quite the contrary!

Unfortunately, there is a misconception about “strong women” and that they don’t need a man. Which is completely untrue. The bottom line is, she doesn’t need a man, but she wants a man, a partner, someone to compliment her weaknesses, and someone who supports her strengths. Someone who accepts her exactly as she is without fearing her.

She wants someone who fosters her wild side, who adheres to her philosophical side, who comforts her when she feels weak when she just can’t take on one more thing, someone to alleviate her stress right when she feels she is at a breaking point.

Someone who just “gets her.”

Therefore, it is my feeling that we need to get rid of all these stereotypes and beliefs about women who are more than capable of taking care of themselves. These women need just as much as anyone else, if not more.

Don’t be mistaken, strong women feel deeply, strongly, passionately, and are capable of love. Just because they can support themselves, manage a household, raise children, and drive success does not mean they are any less deserving or even capable of being vulnerable, intimate, and even a bit needy for love, affection, and sex.

In fact, they probably need it more than most women because they do handle so much.

There is a blurred line for women that terrifies most of us.

The mind f*ck is that men want us to be sexy, but not slutty; to not be needy but not be too independent either; to take care of ourselves and be pretty, but not too pretty; to be social but not flirty; to be successful but not more successful than him.

It is f’ing exhausting trying to figure out the balance of what we “should” be versus what we organically just are.

I won’t do it!

My quest is to find that balance within myself.  To just be and see what the Universe brings me.

I have lived 48 years trying to be whatever it is I am supposed to be and now it’s my time to just be me.

How about you?


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Avesha Parker  |  Contribution: 114,285

author: Avesha Parker

Image: Mathilde Langevin/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson