September 5, 2021

Momma Earth is Crying out to Us: 17 Ways She needs our Help.


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“They paved paradise, and put up a parking lot…” ~ Joni Mitchell


Momma Earth is dying.

This tiny blue planet, this small blue marble is dying. Her days are numbered.

We need you, writers and lovers of this earth, our Momma. It’s time to rally—share our voices, flood (pardon the pun) Elephant Journal with your words, pleas, ideas. Articles well-researched, true-life stories, poems, and prose. Share your voice, your choice.

I am looking for more posts and will be writing on a few topics. What fuels your fires? What changes have you implemented to do your part, no matter how small to save her, save us?

This list is not complete, but I am jotting down some ideas for us to consider:

>> veganism across the broad scope

>> climate change

>> pollution

>> fossil fuels, coal, carbon footprints

>> plastic

>> overconsumption; overpopulation; food insecurity

>> trees, bees, fungi, flowers

>> soil

>> rain forests

>> cremation, embalming, metal caskets

>> overbuilding, overcrowding

>> toxic chemicals in skincare, body care, household cleaning products

>> pesticide, herbicides

>> gas-fueled vehicles

>> oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, lagoons

>> space—no longer the last frontier, as we have polluted her too

Each one of these, plus more has a plethora of additional problems to peruse. Which of these concern and impact you and your loved ones (pets included) most?

What is each of us starting to do, or are already doing, to do our small part to make the change?

As I write this, I am 70 years young. I will most likely be gone in this bodily form by the time the destruction is final. I have no human children that I know of but those born in this century will be most impacted. Their human lifespan will be the shortest in the past several centuries.

Please join me in making changes, and sharing our voices, loud and clear.

I will be starting my writing about the ethical reasons I chose to go vegetarian, then vegan.

Oh, my vegan recipes will still be around, and my poems about saving spiders. However, I am on a mission.

I am no longer sad. I am passionate—and sometimes angry. Yes me, angry. That is rare, but I care. And I know you do too.

I will be working with an editor who shares my views. Find your way to share, through physically doing your part, and writing about it. Please help us to help one another. We have a community here, let’s find our voices—let’s be of benefit.

Our tiny blue planet, our small blue marble whom we call Momma Earth is crying out to us.


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Janice Dolk  |  Contribution: 427,935

author: Janice Dolk

Image: lauraklinke_art/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra