December 26, 2021

“Don’t Look Up”—when “Armageddon” meets “Idiocracy.”

Editor’s note: mild spoilers ahead!

“Shall we watch that new movie with Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Jonah Hill, and Meryl Streep?”


That’s how our Christmas Eve started this year. What sounded like a fun movie ended up blowing our minds within the first 15 minutes.

In case you haven’t watched “Don’t Look Up” yet, what are you waiting for?

Meryl Streep is the president, Jonah Hill is her son and Chief of Staff, and Leonardo DiCaprio is the scientist who doesn’t get the attention he deserves. Does that sound somehow familiar to you?

If “Armageddon” and “Idiocracy” had a child, it would be “Don’t look up.”

It makes us laugh and cry at the same time. It’s like taking a time travel revisiting the last two years of craziness. Watching DiCaprio and Lawrence desperately trying to deliver their message to a bored audience gives us an idea of how Social Justice Warriors feel every day.

Ariana Grande completes this incredible cast and perfectly illustrates what kind of news keeps us away from following the actual news.

Do we really care more about the dating life of celebrities than our planet? As someone who writes articles almost every day, I have to say, “I guess so.”

“Don’t Look Up” is one of these movies we can watch several times and still discover hilarious details and references. Maybe it will be even funnier to watch when this pandemic is over? Maybe it will be more enjoyable after we find an answer to the climate crisis?

But maybe it’s just a movie, and all the references to COVID-19 and climate change are pure coincidence—just kidding.

This movie is entertaining, thought-provoking, and features some of the best actors the industry has to offer. There is only one character that should have been played by Will Ferrell—after watching the movie, you will know which one I am talking about.

Anyways, before I give spoilers to even more parts of this masterpiece of a movie, I want to wish you happy holidays and good laughs while watching.

And after watching, please let me know in the comments which role in this movie is you.

In my case, it’s Leonardo DiCaprio’s meltdown toward the end that perfectly illustrated my emotional state of 2021. How about you?

Here is the trailer of my favorite movie in 2021:



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author: Robert Busch

Image: Netflix/YouTube Screenshot