9.8 Editor's Pick
February 6, 2022

Getting over Someone is Hard—no matter how much we Try.

Getting over you shouldn’t be this hard.

When we first met, I knew you were the one. My heart fell first then my head followed suit.

I was taken by everything about you. My heart skipped a beat and every fiber of my being was jumping for joy.

It felt like someone had finally turned on the light. It was as if music played in the background like some sort of love scene from a movie.

There was no doubt…you were who I wanted to spend my life with.

I loved you with everything I had.

And then, one day, we ended. It was what we decided to do.

Getting over someone we once loved is hard enough. But getting over someone we still love is even harder.

I thought I was over you. I really thought I was. I am learning how to live without you. I accepted being on my own. But if I was over you, I wouldn’t still be crying.

I am doing things on my own. Things you used to do. And I feel accomplished that I can do them by myself—without you. But if I was over you, I wouldn’t keep checking my phone.

I take on each and every day with fire, strength, and resilience. I won’t let anything stand in my way. This day and every day belongs to me. But if I was over you, I wouldn’t be losing sleep.

I spend time with my favorite people. I am living my life. I am traveling and seeing things I never thought I’d see. I am doing things I never thought I’d do. I am moving on. But if I was over you, I wouldn’t have to fake a smile.

I have mended my broken heart. I’m able to open it up to the world. Meeting new people. Making new friends. I am letting people in. And it feels good to be back out there, starting over. But if I was over you, I’d try to find someone new.

I am learning to spend time with myself, by myself. I am discovering who I am. I am creating who I want to be. But if I was over you, I wouldn’t mind being alone.

I wake up with motivation pulsing through my soul. Discovering new pieces of myself. And I really f*cking like her. But if I was over you, I wouldn’t wonder who you were with.

The light inside of me is brighter than I ever knew was possible. I am letting it shine. I have changed my story. The story of who I was supposed to be. I am rewriting where I’m going next. But if I was over you, you wouldn’t be all that I want.

I stopped blaming you. I am taking responsibility for my part. Forgiveness looks good on me. But if I was over you, it would be easy not to miss you.

My heart beats to a different tune. I’m happier than I’ve ever been. But if I was over you, I would be able to let you go.

I remember every little thing.

It’s all because I still love you.

When I told you I loved you, I meant I was going to love you forever. Forever just ended sooner than my heart had anticipated.

I’m haunted by the memories.

Sometimes, no matter how hard we force ourselves to unlove someone, it feels entirely impossible. It doesn’t matter how hard we try, sometimes we realize the love we have will never really go away.

We just need to learn how to move on with that love still in our hearts.

It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with us. Or that we won’t ever recover. We just have to continue moving forward. We must never think that we failed.

We must let ourselves feel those feelings. We don’t want to cover them up. Emotions help us communicate with others. Emotions keep us in check. So we must feel every little thing.

But we must also remember that there is no time limit and take as long as we need. Whether it’s a day or five years, we must take as long as we need. No one can anticipate how long these things will take.

We need to love ourselves. We need to hold on to that love. Loving ourselves is the key to getting there faster.

We need to work through our feelings while accepting and keeping it real.

Focus on yourself. Keep moving forward. You will feel whole again.

Don’t be so hard on yourself if you are still thinking about them. Remember, it’s hardly a fast process. And we may feel a lot of confusion during that process.

But, don’t give up on love. Don’t ever give up on finding love. Love is all around us. We will be able to open our hearts to someone new once again.

We can move on with the love in our hearts.

In time, those feelings of love do fade. It may remain in our hearts forever, but it will eventually become a past memory.

We can and we will get over them.


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Sharon A. DeNofa  |  Contribution: 200,520

author: Sharon A. DeNofa

Image: Camille Robinson/Pexels

Editor: Rasha Al Jabi