February 14, 2022

It’s Time to Let him Go.

Sometimes the braver choice is knowing when to let go.

When you finally realize that no matter what you say or what you do, nothing is going to change and you know you have to make that choice for yourself.

You know that it’s time; you have known this for a while now. But you were still hanging on, looking for a word or an action, looking really for any sign that he still loved you too. But you know you can’t wait any longer. Not another minute or hour or day. Because you know if you continue to hold on, this sadness and pain you have inside of you will never go away.

You had lovers before him. He wasn’t your first, and you weren’t his, but you thought for certain he would be your last. You knew deep inside of you that this was your forever. You had a connection that was deeper and more intense than anything you had ever experienced.

You could not imagine that this wasn’t real. But things change and feelings change and things do not always go as planned. So you are left with trying to figure out how to let go of someone you still love. Because you know you can’t keep breaking your own heart.

Slowly, you start to crawl out of this hole you find yourself in and see that there is a wonderful life waiting for you on the other side of pain and loss if you just let yourself reach out and grab it. When you finally realize that even though this love didn’t work out as planned that there is one that will. And when you find that person, you will understand why the universe made the decision that it did to let the other love go.

The sun will shine again and the flowers will bloom and everything that once seemed dark and gloomy will suddenly seem shiny and new.

Only you can make the decision to come out on the other side, and when you do, you have made the braver choice.





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Kelly Davis  |  Contribution: 10,360

author: Kelly Davis

Image: Dziana Hasanbekava/Pexels

Editor: Elyane Youssef