June 1, 2022

5 Inspiring Lessons from Wayne Dyer that can Change Your Life.


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I love Wayne Dyer.

Years ago, I used to listen to his talks while I went on long walks.

I’ve also read several of his books.

I love his voice, I love how he speaks, I love his energy. I love his warm, soft presence. I love the kindness that pours out of him, and I love how I feel when I listen to him or I read his words.

I love the wise, basic truths he speaks of and how he describes them.

But I also feel that some of what he says isn’t as simple as he describes (though I wish that it were!).

For example, with the idea that “what you think is what you become.” I know that this is true—that our thoughts become things, that our perceptions and thoughts and beliefs filter how we view the world, that our experience of the world is due to our own filtered perceptions rather than the pure essence of what actually exists, of what is actually happening.

But, we can’t choose all of our thoughts, even if we wish that we could. Most of our thoughts are unconscious, and our unconscious determines most of what we do in this world. It holds so much power.

There are so many unconscious reasons for why we do what we do, for the thoughts that move through us. And that’s why it’s not so simple as just switching our thoughts or consciously choosing new thoughts, though it’s powerful to know that we can do this too—it just might not be as easy as we’d like.

But I love the reminder of our potential—how his words show us that we have the power to switch our perspective (that we aren’t forever stuck in the perspectives we hold now), how we can actively move toward a new way of approaching the world, how we can actually change the way that we think, how we don’t have to be stuck in past patterns of thinking that aren’t serving us.

It might not be as easy as we’d like, but it’s something we can work at.

This video made me feel light and peaceful when I watched it, and I giggled at the truth of some of what he said.

Check out the video (and his lessons) here:


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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: miraalou/instagram