4.8 Editor's Pick
November 17, 2022

Waylon talks with a brave caring Iranian woman about the protests & cause for basic freedoms in Iran.


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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

Inside a new Walk the Talk Show conversation this week with Waylon Lewis: he speaks with Hedieh Safiari and they discuss protests and cause for basic freedoms in Iran. Please care, please share.


“We want more and more people around the world to hear stories of these innocent people and be our voice.

The name Mahsa Amini—it has become a code word, right?

It’s a hashtag that everyone uses for the cause. #womanlifefreedom is another slogan that’s being used. We’re asking the world, everyone who believes in human rights, who believes in helping other humans, to raise awareness and be the voice of Iranians.” ~ Hedieh Safiari

Follow Hedieh on Instagram.


Consider using these hashtags on social media when you share in order to make our collective voices heard: #democracy #womenlifefreedom #beourvoice #mahsaamini #iranprotests #unicef #unitednations


A note from Waylon:

Big news about my podcast, new YouTube channel.

Our podcast and video series are trying to start up again, with Molly’s help! Help support them by viewing, listening, sharing—we’ve received many requests over the last years for mindful tips and conversations and the podcast to return. Boom! I’m once again doing a convo/video/podcast once a week. Hope you give it a listen.

I’m leaving behind Elephant’s 35,000 subscribers (Google never let us monetize) and many millions of views—and I hope you’ll subscribe to my new channel here: I’ll upload at least one video a week about everyday mindfulness and eco and meditation and relationships and food and equality and politics from a non-hateful perspective, and all that good stuff.

⁠So, anyways, starting a new account. Subscribe! Support! Share! All the things. May it be of benefit! Be one of my first and comment if you do so.


For more mindful chats, go to elephantjournal.com/talkshow and follow us on Instagram at @walkthetalkshow.

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Image: @waylonlewis/Instagram