April 5, 2023

A Proven Way to Attract a Committed Partner.

Despite what social media may depict, committed partnerships do still exist.

I’m talking about romantic partnerships that focus on mutual love, respect, and honesty.

I hate that social media has turned into people just bashing everything and everyone. People are so quick to post dating app conversations gone wrong on TikTok or spread the message that everyone just cheats on their partners nowadays.

Social media has allowed all voices to exist easily, but the negative ones are usually the loudest. That isn’t to say that cheating doesn’t happen or that dating apps only consist of your perfect match (wouldn’t that be nice!).

But what I see happening is that these negative voices are easily influencing the generations that use them. These kinds of messages are detrimental, especially when it comes to relationships.

These 20-second TikTok videos make it seem to like relationships don’t mean anything anymore and it’s okay to not put effort into meeting someone. The truth is so many people are looking to find love and committed partnership.

If you’re one of these people, I promise that it is possible for you. Don’t believe what those naysayers are talking about. Once you can open your mind and realize that love is possible and the right person is waiting for you, everything changes.

There is in fact an easy and powerful way to attract a committed partner. It’s been proven by my own story as well as countless people I’ve worked with.

It’s so simple that most people on their dating journey don’t even realize they aren’t doing it.

The proven way to attract a committed partner is by being a committed partner first. 

Seems easy or painfully obvious? Well, there are some underlying behaviors or beliefs that could stop you from being committed, even if you think you are.

I see this all the time with clients. They say they want a meaningful relationship, but their actions prove otherwise. The secret about attracting something into your life is that you have to act as if you already have it. Here’s what that looks like when it comes to dating.

Let’s first break down what being an uncommitted partner would look like in a dating scenario:

>> Only swiping on dating apps, not actually starting conversations or following up.

>> Not suggesting meeting up with a date in person to see if you like them.

>> Watching too many TikTok videos about how dating sucks and that no good men exist.

>> Only dating people based on what they physically look like, regardless of their personality or values.

>> Not having a pre-date ritual or self-care routine that keeps you in the right mindset.

>> Believing that love is impossible for you because it didn’t work out for your parents/friends/someone on social media.

If you do any of the above actions, you are sending out the signal that you don’t actually want a relationship. You may just be dating for entertainment or you need validation. If you don’t want meaningful love, keep doing what you’re doing.

But if you’re like many people, you actually do desire a real relationship. You want someone to build a life with and tell your day to. You want someone to support you when bad days happen. I get it, it’s completely normal to want those things.

This is exactly why I do the work I do. To show women just like you that it is possible. With some tweaks to your beliefs and actions, you will attract love in no time.

Let’s look at what being a committed partner looks like in the dating world:

>> Asking your date out first, not waiting for them to make a move.

>> Suggesting an in-person meet-up with a dating app match; you want to see if you connect in real life.

>> Reading and following stories about committed relationships and knowing that it’s possible for you.

>> Working with a coach to move past any limiting beliefs or internal blocks.

>> Dating people based on shared values and likes, not just appearances.

>> Knowing that attraction grows over time and you’re open to dating all types of people to see who’s a good match.

When you align your beliefs and actions with where you desire to go, you’ll make your dream a reality in no time. You are an incredibly powerful creator!

If you’re serious about finding love and desire mutual commitment and respect, start with yourself first. Show the Universe you are ready for a relationship by the beliefs you hold and the meaningful actions you take.

What’s one thing you can commit to doing? Maybe it’s sending a message to someone you like or finally moving on from your ex. Whatever it is you decide to do, just know that it holds more power than you realize right now.

It may not happen tomorrow, but I promise that your dream will come true—all you need to do is take the first step.


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author: Annie Das

Image: freestocks.org/pexels

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