May 19, 2023

30 Things to Look Forward to in the Mornings.

I love mornings.

The world just feels so fresh, so new, so alive.

I love the peace, the quiet, the way the world feels still and yet also vibrant, buzzing with life.

There’s an aliveness about this time of the day.

I’ve been a morning person since I was young, since as long as I can remember; mornings have always felt magical to me.

Earlier this morning, I asked this question to one of our social media pages:

“What do you most look forward to in the mornings?”

There were so many comments! There were quite a few comments like “going back to bed” or “nothing.” There was even a “resetting the alarm,” which made me giggle. I know not everyone is a morning person.

But there were also so many answers about what people genuinely look forward to in the mornings, and it made me smile.

Here are 30 things to look forward to in the mornings, from Elephant readers:

1. “Mornings are the very best! I love the way I feel. I love a strong and hot cup of coffee. I love my cats butting their heads up against me and purring like they haven’t seen me in days.” ~ Barbara

2. “Seeing my 4 year olds face.” ~ Anthony

3. “Opening my eyes, kissing my husband and all my furry critters.” ~ Taralynne

4. “The peace and quiet of dawn…” ~ Tanya

5. “Quiet time alone with my coffee. Solitude.” ~ Penny

6. “Every time I open my son’s bedroom door and he very gently and sweetly says hiiiiii, then runs up to hug me.” ~ Jazmine

7. “Meditation. It’s a practice I’ve kept since training in a Zen monastery for 14 years. It allows me to be HERE for everything else.” ~ Alex

8. “Saying good morning to my furry babies & singing to them a song from my childhood…wrong words, I’m sure…have to look for it…a farm song.” ~ Teresa

9. “Saying good morning to my Dad while he’s still alive.” ~ Lydia

10. “The silence before everyone else gets up, I love it!” ~ Tsholo

11. “Sitting in the quiet peacefully…with my Lil girl pup…relaxing humbled that God granted me another day…enjoying my coffee.” ~ Debranne

12. “A good morning text from my soulmate.” ~ Mark

13. “My Morning Devotional Prayers And Coffee.” ~ Nyar

14. “Waking up is a blessing itself!” ~ Bridget

15. “Hearing my wife get up singing. Every morning!!!” ~ Joey

16. “Silence. Drinking my coffee, doing what I want to do in peace without anyone talking, asking for anything or in my space.” ~ MarJon

17. “Seeing my daughter wave and smile at me.” ~ Lucy

18. “As I get older, waking up each day.” ~ Heather

19. “Going running.” ~ Laurie

20. “First sip of coffee!” ~ Russel

21. “Morning puppy snuggles.” ~ Heather

22. “Waking up and putting my bare feet on the lawn.” ~ Carol

23. “Breakfast.” ~ Amber

24. “Sunrises.” ~ Ruby

25. “Watering my garden plants.” ~ Elisabeth

26. “Waking up refreshed.” ~ Patria

27. “Breakfast and coffee waiting for me thanks to Hubby.” ~ Ann

28. “Fresh starts every single day.” ~ Radwa

29. “Tea!” ~ Sue

30. “Being alive!” ~ Gayle


What do you look forward to in the mornings?


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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: aranprime/Unsplash