May 8, 2023

What To Do When we Miss Someone we Can’t Talk To.

Sometimes I miss someone I can’t talk to.

At times, a wave hits,

A feeling

A reminder

A longing

A desire,

Something I want to say



A moment

An experience

A memory,

Something I want to express.

Then I remember—

I can’t.

A well of emotion arises that has nowhere to go,

Energy that’s there within me,

In me,

Not knowing where to go.

And for a moment,

I feel an ache, a frustration,

And then I breathe.

I allow what is, to be,

What I feel to be,

And then I come back,

To myself

To this moment

To my heart

To my breath

To where I am right now,

And I breathe.

I remember.

I come back



To this moment.

And I breathe.

I feel myself

My heart

My breath

The feel of the world around me.

I come back to myself,

And I breathe.

I feel myself



In this moment.

I come back,

And I breathe.

I feel centered,


Here, now, within myself.

I remember.

I come back

To this moment

To myself,

And I breathe.


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Lisa Erickson  |  Contribution: 262,570

author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Alexey Demidov/Pexels