February 9, 2024

A Divorced Woman’s Guide for the Perfect Solo Valentine’s Day Celebration.

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I want you to know that you don’t need a special someone to make it memorable.

Having been through the roller coaster of divorce, I’ve learned that Valentine’s Day isn’t just about romantic love; it’s a chance to write your own story.

As a transformational coach for divorced women and someone who has been divorced for almost a decade, I’ve walked the journey of self-love and I’m excited to share some empowering tips on how to make yourself the best date ever this Valentine’s Day.

Treat yourself like royalty.

Divorce can sometimes leave us feeling like we’re missing out on the fairy tale, but here’s the truth: You don’t need a knight in shining armor to feel special. You’re the queen of your own life. It’s time to ditch the pressure and treat yourself like royalty.

Put on that favorite comfy sweats, indulge in a good book or movie, take yourself to the spa, or create one at home. Take a moment to appreciate the simple joys of being you and think about a time when you felt truly at peace.

This Valentine’s Day, recreate that moment and truly embrace the joy of your own company.

Date yourself—literally!

I absolutely love doing this even if it’s not Valentine’s Day.

The first solo date I ever took myself to after my divorce was to a very bougie spa. I booked a half day of pampering (facial, massage, mani and pedi) followed by a fancy dinner. I had the best time ever with me, myself, and I. No disagreements about the menu or the bill. Why would I argue with myself?

Plan a date with yourself. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Think about what makes you happy and create a beautiful evening around it. Whether it’s a solo dinner at your favorite restaurant, a night in with your favorite takeout, or a bubble bath with your favorite tunes, make it all about you. You deserve it!

Host “Galentine’s Day” with your people.

I’m a huge fan of creating new traditions. A couple of years ago, I decided to start a new tradition with my people called the “Galentine’s Day Potluck Extravaganza.” The title says it all, and it was an absolute blast.

Reach out to your single girlfriends and plan a “Galentine’s Day” get-together. Relationships may ebb and flow, but your support system—your people—is there to stay. Surround yourself with the positivity and warmth of your friends, turning Valentine’s Day into an unforgettable celebration of friendship and heart-centered connection.

Send yourself a thoughtful gift.

Consider this your official permission to indulge in some self-gifting. Treat yourself to something special, whether it’s a piece of jewelry, a spa treatment, or that hot pair of shoes you’ve been eyeing. Choose something that brings you joy and feels like a celebration of your unique journey.

I vividly remember the first time I decided to send myself a gift. It wasn’t just about the item; it was a tangible symbol of self-love. It was something I had never done before, but I knew I deserved it.

I carefully picked out a necklace that resonated with my newfound sense of strength and resilience. I even wrote a heartfelt card to myself alongside the gift. In it, I acknowledged the challenges I had overcome and expressed pride in my journey.

Opening that package was like receiving a massive download of love from myself—a reminder that celebrating your victories, big or small, is a beautiful act of self-love.

Reflect and set intentions.

After my divorce, I started a tradition of writing a letter to myself on Valentine’s Day. It’s a moment of reflection and a reminder of my strength and resilience. This practice has become my own personal love letter. I feel so empowered after reading the past letters to myself because it reminds me of how far I’ve come.

Take some time to reflect on your journey and acknowledge your growth. Celebrate the woman you’ve become. Set empowering intentions for the future—what do you want to achieve, experience, or let go of in the coming year? Embrace the power of self-reflection and get excited about the incredible possibilities ahead.

Final thoughts

All my single ladies, regardless of whether it’s from a divorce or not, it’s time to redefine the Valentine’s Day narrative. Let’s shift the focus from waiting for someone else to make us feel special to recognizing the beautiful, resilient, and fully embodied women we are. Celebrate your inner goddess with love, warmth, and confidence not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day.


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author: Sherille Marquez

Image: Ekaterina Nt/Pexels

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