May 8, 2022

Happy Mother’s Day to all Women without Children.

Happy Mother’s day to everyone.

Dear women without children, I might not know you, but I see you.

It’s mother’s day, and we see all these lovely posts about motherhood on social media. And who knows, maybe you feel incomplete today.

Please let me tell you that this is not true. You are perfect as you are.

I don’t know why you don’t have children.

Maybe you didn’t want to? Maybe you decided to have an abortion? Maybe you haven’t found the right partner? Maybe you want to have children, but it just didn’t happen yet.

And you know what? It’s none of my f*cking business.

Nobody should be allowed to judge you for your choices.

As we are celebrating motherhood on mother’s day, let’s not forget about those without children.

Let’s celebrate those without children who are caretakers, nurses, and family members. We don’t need to have our own children to change a kid’s life.

Many children grow up with only one parent. In a society where almost half the kids depend on only one person, it’s almost self-explaining that those of us without children also play an important role these days.

It’s the sister of a single mom who takes care of her nephew. It’s the neighbor that you can always call for help.

It’s the women that Matt Gaetz just called “over-educated” and “under-loved” who step in when needed.

It’s the dog owner who allows a friend’s kid to play with her dog.

There is this old saying that it takes a village to raise a child—and there is a lot of truth to this.

Motherhood is not limited to mothers. We all want the best for children. And we all choose how we want to show up.

We can have our own families—or we can support those who need our help.

It’s all about choices.

But one thing is for sure: there are more than enough single moms who need some help at times. Many of these single moms wouldn’t be able to do what they do without the unsung heroes who support them.

Let’s also celebrate these mothers without children—our society needs you more than ever.

Let’s celebrate the nannies, sisters, friends, teachers, nurses, and neighbors who inspire our children.

I see you.

There are so many reasons not to have children, but that doesn’t automatically mean that someone can’t make a difference in a child’s life.

But what do I know? I am just a dude without kids.

Let’s hear five stories of women who decided not to have children. There is no reason to feel sorry for our choices.



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author: Robert Busch

Image: Yura Forrat/Pexels

Image: The Guardian/YouTube