November 25, 2020

Stephen Colbert & Barack Obama: A Reminder that Presidents can be Decent Human Beings.

As former President Obama promotes his new book, we travel back in time to the days when things seemed to be okay.

The last weeks had been quite troubling, but there is hope again. Do you remember the days when our President was a role model for young people? I am talking about the days when the rest of the world was impressed by the leadership of a comparably young politician from Chicago.

In his latest book, Obama talks about his time in the White House. He shares personal stories that give us an idea of how it felt for him and his family to be in office.

Most importantly, he reminds us that Presidents are human beings like you and me. They make mistakes, they worry about the impact of important decisions, and they have a family.

As the Trump presidency comes to an end, Obama tours several talk shows, and Jon Stewart announced his comeback. It seems like things are shifting back to normal. A new normal that is inspired by the pre-Trump-normal.

Seeing Obama talk about his legacy shows what really makes us happy as human beings: Being of benefit.

Is there anything more fulfilling than getting things done? We might not run for President, but we do our best within our community. Being able to look back at what we achieved creates happiness within us.

It can be little things. Things like not inviting our grandparents over for Thanksgiving, things like wearing a facemask, and the most simple thing of all: being kind to others.

We might not be as cool or eloquent as Barack Obama, but we can still do our best to be of benefit.




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