December 29, 2020

Be who you Wish to Fall in Love with.

Would you date yourself?

I have been empowering myself the past few months to really dig deep and figure out who I am, what I want, and who I want to spend the rest of my life with.

The intuitive message I received is: “Would you date yourself?” If I don’t want to be with myself, why would anyone else want to be with me, right?

I remember a while back when I was driving to town, I drove by a church, and out front, it had a sign that said, “Be who you want to meet.” Awesome, that was pretty clear. I love when I get messages like that. They are so blatant but so intimate and personal at the same time.

So many of us ask the universe for signs and answers, and then we miss them because we don’t accept these little messages as gifts from the universe, but that is what they are.

After talking to a friend about some personal goals I am trying to achieve, I told him about my question, “Would I date myself?” He found this just as intriguing as do I.

So I asked myself this question during my meditation session, and ultimately the answer is yes—but let me just say, once we ask ourselves this question, it prompts more questions and is helpful to discover our own being.

This simple question can lead to so many other questions that can guide us to discover what areas we need to focus on to develop ourselves and find healing.

So today, I empower you to ask yourself: “Would you date yourself?”

My advice: do not let your ego answer the question. Really dig deep and then explore the why’s of yes and no—and focus on the positive, not just the negative.

For example, you might say, “Yes, of course, I would date myself” with sheer confidence—like, “Duh, why wouldn’t I? That’s just silly.”

Okay, yes, you are awesome, and you would date yourself; now tell yourself why, and list all the reasons (i.e., I am super smart, funny, a lot of fun to be with, spontaneous, good looking, etc.). Then ask yourself:

Would you date yourself for an extended period of time?

Would you marry yourself? Are there things that would annoy you, and if so, what are they?

What do you see as a problem area if you were to date or marry yourself (i.e., are you stubborn, a poor communicator, selfish, a bad listener, can’t compromise, have a difficult time with monogamy, and so on). 

This is such a fantastic way to discover why you are able to attract but not sustain a partner, not attract a partner at all, why you aren’t able to commit, or why you are fantastic at long-term relationships.

We are all unique and have our own relationship successes and struggles. Sometimes we know people who are super lucky and seem to have no issues with relationships, and of course, we also know people who can’t seem to get it right, ever—this was me.

They say where you put your energy and focus is what you end up manifesting.

So, when you want to change career fields, what do you do? You educate yourself, study, take courses, get certified, and much more. Then you start looking for the job, putting your feelers out, creating an amazing resume, and then go online and apply for jobs. Therein starts the manifestation process. You are now focusing your energy on this new thing you desire, and that is how to manifest what you want.

The same goes for a relationship. You attract what you are. If we spend our energy on the wrong people, that is what we will continuously attract.

The other message is: be what you wish to attract. Do you want someone who is emotionally balanced and healthy? Do you want someone who is independent and financially stable? Do you want someone who is fun and spontaneous? Great—now ask yourself, do you carry these traits as well?

If you are in a place of emotional unavailability, guess what you will manifest…yep, someone who is also emotionally unavailable. It’s really that simple. If we are unhappy, depressed, anxious, commitment-phobic, and untrusting—what do we think we will draw toward us?

It is not rocket science, and the law of attraction is not hokey pokey. Think about it, have you ever had a bad day? You spill coffee on yourself on your way to work and you get angry, then you get in the car and you are out of gas, so you get even angrier, then you get to work and you spill water all over your keyboard. The energy is like a hamster wheel, and we can’t get off.

The lesson here is the more we feed that negative energy, the more we will attract it.

If we simply just breathe, change our shirt or pants, and do not allow negative energy to take over, then we can carry on with our day.

Even if you are out of gas—you can go to a gas station and fill the tank and again, carry on with your day. Leave all that negative energy behind. Otherwise, we will have an entire day filled with negative things happening.

We can also turn negative things around and make them positive. The power really does live inside of us.

So my message to you is to be who you want to meet. Such a simple concept, but so powerful at the same time.




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Avesha Parker  |  Contribution: 114,285

author: Avesha Parker

Image: Elijah O'Donnell/Unsplash

Editor: Robert Busch