January 13, 2021

8 Ways to Unleash our Feminine Energy.


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Learning how to balance our feminine and masculine energy, our yin and yang, is no easy task—especially in today’s society.

Over the course of a few decades, women’s roles have shifted for good and bad. There are more females in the workforce than ever before. Women are becoming more and more independent, leading to the overdevelopment of their masculine energy. Some women step into their masculine because they are natural-born leaders, while others change with the cultural progression of our society.

In addition to being focused on a blossoming career, women also spend a lot of time tending to their home lives. They hold significant roles in their career and are often left with the delicate balancing act of juggling a job, home, family, and self.

Managing a structured home life is like running a well-oiled machine. This amount of responsibility comes with a cost.

Because women are taking on more responsibility at home and work, a portion of their feminine energy is lost. They are ultimately “in control” and more connected to their masculine energy.

Today’s superwomen are not even aware this is happening.

Women of today are paying the price for being pulled in too many directions.

We are losing our feminine energy. If we pay attention and balance this trend, we may be able to transform the outcome.

Our feminine energy is:












water element

connection with nature

being in tune with the cycles of life and seasons

seeing the beauty in things


How can we, as women, learn to be verses do?

How can we let go of control and allow things to happen?

How can we balance our career, home, family, and most importantly—ourselves?

How can we enjoy the journey of our experiences without trying to predict the end result?

How can we surrender to the unknown?

Let us ask ourselves these questions. We can work through our answers best when we are completely still.

A simple token of wisdom is that all women need to unleash their feminine power. This is vital in helping us regain balance and the natural flow of our beautiful and incredible energy.

Activities can include, but are not limited to, what helps develop and foster feminine energy: 

1. Dancing. Put on the music that speaks to your soul and sway to the beat. Move around, jump around, and do not stay still. Just move. Enjoy the sound of the music and sing if your soul desires to do so.

2. Surround yourself with beauty. Choose feminine colors like pink, red, or peach. Choose soft fabrics and amazing scents. Choose soft flowers like daisies and tulips. Listen to beautiful sounds. Create a sacred space for yourself.

3. Institute a free day—yes, a day free of plans—where you go with the flow and see where the day takes you. Be spontaneous.

4. Practice any style yoga at anytime of the day. Honor your body by stretching and releasing your tension. Leave those worries on the mat.

5. Foster your creativity by crafting, painting, gardening, home improvement, art, fashion, crocheting, knitting, sewing, writing, or cooking.

6. Learn about yourself by being sensual. Draw a warm bath with sea salt and essential oils. Burn your favorite scented candle and listen to soft music. Read a book while you relax and enjoy the present moment. Do anything that stimulates all five senses.

7. Create an intimate moment with your husband, partner, or all by yourself.

8. Journal about what being feminine means to you.

When we embrace and nurture our feminine energy, we attract successful and amazing people. Our personal and professional relationships will also be healthy.

We can open to the flow of feminine energy without the hustle, grind, or stress of trying to make things happen.

So ask yourself, “Where are you most blocked?’

What will you do to discover your feminine energy?

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author: Avesha Parker

Image: Tarn Ellis/Instagram

Editor: Brooke Mundell