April 8, 2021

Victim Blaming: George Floyd is not on Trial—Derek Chauvin Is.

Apparently, George Floyd was on drugs when he got murdered—but does that really make any difference?

Yes, I know, drugs are illegal.

Right after the Black Lives Matter movement started, conservative voices like Candace Owens immediately pointed out that George Floyd might have been a drug addict.

I can’t judge the health condition of George Floyd before he got killed, but I know that every citizen in a democracy has the right to get a fair trial.

Derek Chauvin gets to enjoy these rights; George Floyd didn’t.

Isn’t that one of the determining factors of a democracy? Isn’t that part of liberty and freedom? Isn’t that the reason why the United States promote (and fight for) free societies all around the world?

Even if George Floyd took drugs prior to the events, even if that 20-dollar note was fake—does that justify killing him on the spot? I don’t think so.

Law and order doesn’t mean that police officers can do whatever they want; it means that they have to apply the law.

Let’s keep that in mind when conservatives start beating the drum of blaming George Floyd for getting murdered.

We have to be careful not to get gaslighted by a narrative focusing on the victim’s character—because that would be victim-blaming.

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author: Robert Busch

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