May 25, 2021

4 Powerful Voices about Activism, Rage & Finding Balance.


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Finding balance between speaking up and not losing our sh*t is not easy—but worth trying.

Most of us can agree that there is a lot of room for improvement when it comes to social justice and equal rights.

At the same time, we often hesitate to speak our truth because we are scared of the consequences. Nobody wants to be known as a nagger, but being someone else’s doormat is also frustrating.

So, how do we find balance between these two extremes?

I don’t have the answer to these questions, but I read four powerful articles that might help us making sense of it all:


Sacred Rage: Feel it, Honor it & Practice it. ~ Amy Schmidt

How can we deal with our anger when we encounter toxic masculinity? Is there a kind way of rejecting unsolicited compliments? This article helps us in discovering, accepting, and cultivating our frustration in a way that isn’t harmful to ourselves.


13 Quotes from Tupac’s “Changes” that are still relevant Today. ~ Ember James

Most of us know Tupac’s song “Changes,” but what can we learn from these powerful lyrics that were written more than 20 years ago? How can we use our empathy to help others without running the risk of coming across as self-righteous? These 13 quotes will help us to find a new perspective on the changes we are all hoping for.

Boundaries and Acceptance

How to Stop being a People Pleaser without Blaming others & Cutting Connections. ~ Ronit Ashkenazi

Trying to be a people pleaser can create a lot of suffering on our side, but what about the other extreme? Are some of our boundaries an expression of resentment toward ourselves? Where does our anger really come from? And most importantly, how do we speak up for ourselves without lashing out and ruining our relationships with loved ones?

Keeping our cool

3 Tricks to Stop Conflicts with our Partner from turning into painful Blowouts. ~ Maria Toso

How do we notice when we get triggered by our partner? What are these moments teaching us about ourselves and how can we avoid any further escalation? With these three tricks, we will be able to take our relationships to the next level and see our partner as a partner, not as an enemy.

I am thankful for these four voices helping me to get a new perspective on what we can learn from our anger and frustration. And maybe you are reading this (and these four articles) thinking to yourself, “They missed something”—well, I am looking forward to reading it.

Feel free to submit your story here.



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author: Robert Busch

Image: maria.jose.guzman/Instagram