August 23, 2021

Never Underestimate the Power of a Kiss.

Recently, one of my favourite Elephant Journal writers published the piece “A Kiss is not just a Kiss.”

I mentioned to her I had been thinking of writing a piece on kissing and she encouraged me to do so. Not one to walk away from a subtle challenge, here I am!

What a wonderful community it is when one can be inspired and supported to write a piece, even if it’s of a similar nature to theirs.

We’ve all got stories to tell about a kiss; the kiss: the first kiss, the last kiss, the kiss that burns itself forever in our memory and in our hearts. Even if that kiss was from a love no longer in your life, a love from long ago, because let’s face it, at one time, they were all you wanted. And that kiss was worth every damn minute.

A kiss to me is the most intimate act you can partake in. Of course, when you are filled with love, passion, and desire, it can near drive you f*cking insane. I shared this beautiful energy once and it lasted almost two years, and even though it ended and there were definitely traumatic and heartbreaking times, there was also a magic.

The beauty of healing and finding peace is the ability to be able to look upon those moments with fondness and love because they ultimately catapulted you to where you are today. I can simultaneously let go of the past, whilst holding onto those magic moments; after all, I held onto the bloody pain for long enough, so why not tuck away those precious memories?

This kiss, our kiss, was everything all at once. It was the sheer terror of jumping out of a plane for the first time, combined with the most magnificent exhilarating freedom.

If you have a moment, I will take you there. But hold on tight, this is one hell of a ride.

We were friends but admittedly, a closeness had developed quickly. I couldn’t pinpoint how or when, I just remember feeling it—feeling this energy cocoon me, cocoon us. There was an ease, a real feeling of home whenever we were close. I felt electrifyingly alive, and I had no idea what was coming.

I was standing there, my back to him as I focussed on something I was doing. I cannot quite remember what that was now. Maybe I was nervous. Maybe I was distracting myself. I can, however, remember the butterflies in my belly. The smell of his cologne; oh yes, that was a little intoxicating. A small swell of excitement buzzing about. I didn’t know where exactly he was at that moment, I just knew he was there.

I recall my phone ringing and I turned around to pick it up and he was right there. I could hardly breathe. I knew what was about to happen. I knew I couldn’t stop it; hell, I knew I didn’t want to stop it. He was just inches from my face. Our eyes connected. I got so f*cking lost in those eyes. I would like to say time stood still; maybe it did, maybe it didn’t—time didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but this, right here, right now.

He mattered. I mattered. We mattered. This simple act of intimacy that thousands of people do every day was all that mattered.

Was he still looking into my eyes? I honestly don’t know because I was all at once floating on a cloud, whilst watching the highlight reel of the potential this had. Physically, my body reacted in a way that if I’m truthful woke every part of me, and I was not alone. His body was wide awake too. The goddess within me was on high alert. Our bodies ever so slightly touching, our energy connecting on another level. We were pulsating.

He lowered his gaze to my lips. I know it was only seconds, but I’ll never forget his look. His lips softly brushed mine; it was tender and soft. It was slow and teasing. It was both sweet and hot.

This kiss took me on a journey. In those moments, I visited places I had never been. Calming places; exciting places; exotic places. Places that had me on the brink of raw unbridled desire. A tantalising place where a single kiss could well take you to your final destination.

This f*cking kiss had me spinning on a world trip. I felt every part of him, and my womanly essence was touching every nerve. I was so alive in that moment. I was on fire. That kiss was the binding of two souls, and regardless of the ending, there is still a little of us in each other’s souls.

Long after that kiss ended, I still felt his lips. I still felt the energy—the energy we created between us. That kiss led to some of the most loving but also some of the most painful times. It also led to change and growth.

It started with a kiss. That kiss. Our kiss. A kiss shared, felt, and never forgotten. A kiss worth every smile, every tear, and every painful loss.

A kiss that started me down the path to the woman I am today.

Never ever underestimate the power of a kiss.


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Michelle Schafer  |  Contribution: 119,620

author: Michelle Schafer

Image: Edward Cisneros/Unsplash

Image: Lisa Erickson