October 3, 2021

“I Have the Freedom to Love”—& 17 Other Empowering Lines for those who Feel Trapped.


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There’s been so much talk about freedom of late.

A “Freedom Day,” something so foreign to me in a supposedly free and democratic society.

We have been in and out of lockdowns, unable to see loved ones, or partake in life’s usual activities since the start of this pandemic.

And what these lockdowns have shown me is that power, control, and ego are dangerous things. I have no issue with doing what is right for the safety of the community and to try and curb this virus, but I do question those in power and the double standards displayed.

Freedom is not something to be hijacked, held for ransom, or manipulated by other people. We may have certain constraints, but for me, freedom is a state of mind, and that is something nobody can take away from me.



Whilst so many argue with each other, spend their time bullying each other on social media, consider their most important freedom a trip to the pub, eat in a restaurant, or wander around a shopping mall, I have learnt to adapt. Yes, I want to see my family and travel again, but I have all the freedom right here within me.

>> I have the freedom to walk as much as I want and for as long as I want. In the neighbourhood, in nature, or on the beach. Barefooted and grounded.

>> I have the freedom to witness a sunrise or a sunset. All the beauty and magic captured in the East or the West. Pure joy.

>> I have the freedom to dive into the ocean. The salt water washing over me, refreshing every cell of my being.

>> I have the freedom to sit on the beach alone or with a friend, eat a meal, and have wine, in what can only be described as the most spectacular view in the world.

>> I have the freedom to meditate and go within and visualise any setting I choose. To become totally present with the right here and right now.

>> I have the freedom to be grateful. Grateful for my life, my health, my tribe, and the ability to pursue my passions intently.

>> I have the freedom to be kind. In a world where kindness is currently lacking, I can be kind.

>> I have the freedom to be compassionate. To help others in need and support them.

>> I have the freedom to love. To embody love and be love. To show love in all its forms. To love unconditionally and with grace.

>> I have the freedom to dance. To dance with absolutely no inhibitions, in my underwear. Music blaring; food cooking; experiencing raw happiness.

>> I have the freedom to learn. To learn something new every single day. To challenge myself and experience new things.

>> I have the freedom to choose what I put into my body and how I take care of my body. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Freedom over my health, fitness, and well-being.

>> I have the freedom to not allow fear to engulf me. Fear of a changing world; fear of a virus; fear of people’s limited beliefs and opinions.

>> I have the freedom to speak my truth. To honour who I am in all its messy authenticity.

>> I have the freedom to follow my dreams. To heal my wounds. To grow and evolve.

>> I have the freedom to express myself. To be creative. To write from my heart in all its wonderful rawness.

>> I have the freedom to be who I am and love who I am, knowing that tomorrow’s me will be different than today’s me.

>> I have the freedom to unshackle myself from the bullsh*t. To walk away from unhealthy spaces and to trust those who earn it.

So “Freedom Day” is just a creation for those who feel trapped. Who need to perhaps run away from their life, accepting freedom as something that is given by those in power, but those in power can never take away the spirit of who you are, and that in itself is the biggest freedom of all.

I am a woman unchained, and the only person who can put me in shackles is me. Freedom is the oxygen of my soul. I am free; I have always been free.


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Michelle Schafer  |  Contribution: 119,620

author: Michelle Schafer

Image: snakes.n.roses/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef