November 14, 2021

Forget about the Metaverse—here comes the Icelandverse.

I would love to sign up for the Icelandverse.

Seriously, where can I sign up?

They have water that’s actually wet, you don’t need to wear a headset, and it all works without any internet connection. Mark Zuckerberg and the Metaverse might change the way we live one day, but until then, I would rather spend some time in the Icelandverse.

As nerds around the world get excited about virtual reality and Zuckerberg’s latest vision, Iceland landed a viral hit that also gives us a much-needed reality check.

Isn’t it strange how technology tries to make the world a better place without noticing the awesomeness of reality?

Why would we want to spend our days in virtual reality when nature has already created the best open-world experience of all time?

After watching this clip, I asked myself, “Would I rather take a virtual trip to the Rocky Mountains or take a real walk in the forest next to my home?”

This question sounds absurd today, but who knows how we will feel about this in 10 years from now.

Maybe we will prefer to travel virtually and avoid the stress of airports, carrying suitcases, and dealing with hotel reservations in the future? Not to forget that traveling in a virtual space saves a lot of energy. But is that really what we want?

Many of us noticed during the ongoing pandemic that meeting friends and family online is not the same thing as meeting them in reality. Why would that be any different when it comes to travel?

The Icelandverse is exposing the absurdity of technology these days and reminds us that no virtual reality will ever be able to replace the so-called real world.

But who knows, maybe in 20 years from now, we will show this clip to a teenager who doesn’t even get the joke? Maybe some folks are already not getting it?

Please decide for yourself.

Take a moment and watch this hilarious clip produced by “Inspired by Iceland,” and let me know in the comments which place you prefer: Metaverse or Icelandverse?





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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,835

author: Robert Busch

Image: Inspired by Iceland/YouTube Screenshot