January 26, 2022

What it Really means to be Gentle with Ourselves.

Being gentle with ourselves is an energy, an intention,

A deep willingness to soften, tune in, and allow.

To discover.

To feel.

To be.

It’s attunement.


And presence.

A willingness to be present—

With ourselves.

Willing to allow

Whatever it is—to be

Whatever we feel—to exist

Whatever we are experiencing—within ourselves—

To be experienced, to flow, to happen.

It’s a tender desire to understand

Why we behave

How we behave

And to hold space for whatever arises into our conscious awareness.

To watch it.

To learn from it.

To be with it.

It’s holding space for the parts of us that feel weak or afraid,

The parts of us that ache

Or are unsure.

It’s not just an external act of self-care,

But an attitude, an energy

A deep intention

To be self-loving.

To move forward—with conscious intention.

To hold space for ourselves.

And our experiences.

To understand the deepest layers of ourselves

Through the eyes of awareness

And self-compassion.

It doesn’t mean we don’t work hard

Or push through.

It doesn’t mean we’re not resilient

Or that we just do what’s easy.

Or avoid what’s not.

It means we move with warmth

And love

And softness

And kindness

And compassion—

For ourselves.

Through all of it.

Through all of life and our lived experiences.

Being gentle with ourselves

Allows us to

Hold space for everything—

For ourselves and

All of our experiences.

It’s an energy,

A deep, loving intention

To treat ourselves with kindness

And love.





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author: Lisa Erickson

Image: Author's Own