8.4 Editor's Pick
July 7, 2022

As a Mother of 2 Girls, I am Enraged (& You should be Too).

As a woman, I am pissed off.

As a mother of two girls, I am enraged. I am seeing red right now. It is hard to focus on anything more than my anger.

It’s hard being a woman—biologically and socially speaking. We make less money than men. We’re treated differently in the workplace than men. We have to deal with periods, pregnancy, and menopause. Now, let’s add losing bodily autonomy to the mix. The idea that some rich, old, white men in power are in charge of what I do to and with my body has my head spinning. I have no words for my daughters. I don’t even know what to tell them.

I wanted to raise my daughters in a free country. One that allows them to speak their mind. One where they can be anything they want. One that encourages them to reach for the stars. One where they have total control of their bodies. What is happening to our basic human rights?

This goes way beyond just abortion. It’s not about abortion any longer. It is about control. It is about power. It is about women being treated like second-class citizens in a country that is supposed to be known for equality and freedom. It is about women who are now scared of what will happen to them if they find themselves in a situation where they need an abortion and can’t get one legally.

I have spent my entire life working hard, building a life for myself and my daughters. I have raised them to be strong, independent, free-thinking women. I have raised them to speak their mind and to stand up for the little guy. I have raised them to believe that they can be and do anything. So what do I tell them now when our rights are being stripped away?

I tell them we will fight. I tell them we won’t be silenced. I tell them we will make noise. I tell them that we will never give up. Not now. Not ever.

There are several things that can be done right now. Here are some of them:

>> Add your name to #BansOfOurBodies

>> Volunteer virtually for Planned Parenthood

>> Donate to Planned Parenthood

>> Share your voice on social media. Let people know you stand with abortion patients and caregivers.

While these seem like small things to do, there is power in numbers. I encourage you to use your voice to raise awareness, to spread hope, and to support women like me and my daughters. It’s our duty now.

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Melissa Patrick  |  Contribution: 49,270

author: Melissa Patrick

Image: Reed Naliboff/Unsplash

Editor: Juliana Otis