December 6, 2020

Billie Eilish’s Stripped-Down Cover of “Something,” by The Beatles, will Melt your Heart.

“Something” falls fairly high on my personal list of the best love songs ever.

Written by George Harrison and made famous by The Beatles on their Abbey Road album, the song is a perfect mix of simple, heartfelt lyrics and a wistful melody that will not leave your head.

If you’re falling in love, this is the song you hope your crush hears in their head when they think of you.

If you’re already in love, this is the song you hum as you brush past your partner in the kitchen in the morning.

If you’re mourning the loss of love, this is the song that reminds you of the one who got away.

And if you don’t feel something when the musical switch to the bridge comes, please have someone check your pulse.

I’m not super familiar with Billie Eilish‘s music (except “Bad Guy,” which is my jam), but her stripped-down rendition of “Something” has officially put her on my radar again. Her haunting vocals give new life to a love song I didn’t think could get any better.

Let her version melt your heart:

And check out The Beatles’ original:


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