March 10, 2023

How to Attune to the Signs, Cues, Clues & Messages from the Universe.

I take delight in thinking that the irrational, impractical, and impossible are all undoubtedly possible.

When an animal comes close to where you are standing, do you entertain the surreal thought that this precious miracle of nature could be a deceased loved one stopping by to say hello?

I do. I’m one of those “woo woo” people who is alert to all the whispers of the universe.

My third eye chakra, open heart, and intuition are my best friends in helping me attune to life’s cues, clues, mystical signs, and wisdom whispers.

Here are some of my most recent “woo woo” experiences:

I was driving around town doing errands. When I looked at the bumper sticker on the car in front of me, I couldn’t believe it. The words were just what I needed that day. They said, “Shine bright.”

What a self-esteem booster. I felt as if I had struck gold. As I kept saying, “Shine Bright, Melody,” my body, mind, and spirit magically transformed into a lighter, brighter, and more confident version of myself.

A second bumper sticker said, “Just do it.” How perfect. In a flash, I made a conscious decision to take three action steps toward manifesting my latest project and “just do it.”

Both bumper stickers became my power words for the day, my mantras, and my positive affirmations.

Oh, and you won’t believe what I saw on two billboards the other day. One said, “Going fast is not the same as going somewhere.” What a great message. I needed a reminder to slow down and breathe. Everything in life has its timing and this isn’t a race. I don’t have to push the river and overwork to manifest my goals and dreams.

Two miles later, there was another billboard that said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” Yes, universe. Yes. Thank you for validating the dreamer in me.

Now that you’re accustomed to the way I think, let’s turn up the “woo woo” volume a bit more. You’re going to think I’ve really lost it, but here goes:

The other day, a beautiful hummingbird fluttered its precious wings directly in front of my eyes and lingered for a while. What an honor. The first thing I said to “my” hummingbird was, “Thank you, precious one.” I naturally assumed that the hummingbird was my friend, Lyndsey, who was stopping by to remind me to stay determined, resilient, and strong, no matter what. How nice of her to do that.

She left this earth plane years ago, but I haven’t stopped missing her for a second. Grief has no time limit, does it?

Lyndsey and I created a musical album together, composed heart-opening songs, read each other’s minds, finished each other’s sentences, enjoyed belly laughs, deep discussions, and above all, we mentored each other in the areas of healing, spirituality, relationships, singing, nature, energy medicine, courage, personal growth, and transformation. It’s impossible to “get over” someone this special.

Why not think that the hummingbird was Lyndsey fluttering by to shower me with her never-ending love?

If you enjoyed that story, here’s another wild one. I was sitting on my deck reading a book when the cutest little bug with beady eyes perched on the railing next to my chair. It stayed and stayed and stayed. Lucky for me, it was too persistent to ignore. I looked up and said, “Hi.”

Yes, I said “hi” to a bug. Doesn’t everyone?

I asked how it was doing, sang to it, and then proceeded to converse with my new friend by asking, “Who are you really and what messages do you have for me?”

Each time I spoke to this cute little creature, it blinked its beady eyes to the rhythm of my words. It was as if it understood what I was saying. Once again, I wondered if this insect was a loved one who stopped by to say hello. Was it my deceased dad, mom, or grandmother?

I boldly share this part of myself to encourage you to be aware, awake, alert, conscious, mindful, and open to all the subtle (and not so subtle), signs, signals, cues, clues, words, visuals, and messages that surround you wherever you go and wherever you are.

They serve as a life compass for finding answers to our soul-searching questions and provide comfort and resolution in a world of unrest, loneliness, and confusion.

Do the lyrics to your favorite song contain messages that seem to be meant just for you? The right lyrics can soothe a broken heart, release pent-up emotions, and direct you toward your next steps in life. Powerful lyrics can also be a catalyst for opening your soul toward forgiveness, compassion, empathy, inner peace, love, and hope.

Cues, clues, and intuitive sensing have a practical side, too. Have you ever lost your keys, wallet, glasses, or coffee mug? The next time you lose something, don’t panic. Stay calm, trust, take long, slow, and deep breaths, close your eyes, and ask the angels or your highest intuition where it is.

Suddenly, whoosh. You found it.

At the end of each day, write in your grateful journal and document all your other-worldly experiences. Commit to deeply listening, observing, sensing, trusting, intuiting, feeling, opening, surrendering, looking within, journal writing, creating, and releasing prayers of gratefulness for the abundance of cues, mystical signs, clues, and gentle shouts you will find everywhere and in everything.

Even from a beady-eyed insect.

As a Native American Proverb says:

Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows.”


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Cheryl Melody Baskin  |  Contribution: 81,980

author: Cheryl Melody Baskin

Image: Nicole Geri/Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson