March 2, 2020

Vote, Damn It.

Vote, damn it.

Vote like you have everything to lose, and absolutely everything to gain.

Vote like there’s no tomorrow.

Vote as if your reproductive rights depend on it, because they do.

If you care about marriage rights and equal opportunity, vote.

If you care about a living wage, vote.

If you care about a free press, vote.

If you care about facts, vote.

If you care about women and minorities and immigrants, vote.

If you want a president who is careful and thoughtful with his or her words, who digests information, and has a vision for future generations, a president who doesn’t bully his or her way above the law, a president who listens to the United States Intelligence Community before agreeing with murderous dictators, then please vote.

Vote as though safety in schools, movie theaters, malls, and churches matter. Vote as though safety from gun violence in your own office building matters, as though safety walking down a street in the middle of the day matters. Vote as if common sense matters.

Vote if you want your president to be terrible at lying, and great at telling the truth.

Vote as if having an articulate, well read, real human being as president matters.

Vote if you’ve ever heard and cringed at a racial slur or joke. Vote if you’ve witnessed blatant racism. Vote as though you’ve seen social inequality on full display because you have. You see it every day.

If you don’t believe in fascism, vote.

If you know the difference between a social democrat and a socialist, vote.

If you don’t believe in trickle down economics, or that very rich people should get tax breaks, vote.

If you believe exclusion is wrong, vote.

If you want corruption exposed, vote.

If you believe in the separation of church and state, please vote.

If you want Mitch McConnell’s power removed, vote.

If you want to put children first, vote.

When it’s time to vote, know what you’re doing and what you stand for.

Register, damn it.

Register to vote as if the quality of your life matters just as much as Mark Zuckerberg’s.

Register to vote if you are so done with the daily pundit angst and news cycles touting headlines for entertainment purposes.

Register to vote if you value substance over sensation.

Register to vote if you want progress over regression.

Vote as if the the next Supreme Court Justice appointment matters. Because it does. It matters more than ever before.

Vote if you care about vastly beautiful, formerly protected places like Bear’s Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante.

Vote if you only care about bees and trees.

Vote as if you care about our waterways and green energy technology.

Vote if you think McDonald’s is straight up garbage, and enough is enough already.

Vote if you want winter to be cold and summer to be hot. Vote if you care about single digit degrees and global temperature changes.

Vote if you only care about choice.

Vote, even if you don’t. Even if certain policies and ideologies don’t affect you. Vote, if you care how these things affect humanity.

Vote if you think our water should be and remain clean, if you think pipelines shouldn’t infringe on land belonging to our indigenous population—those who were raped and pillaged and disenfranchised by the millions before the United States of America, as it’s known today, was born.

Vote if you care about racial injustice and our police force.

Vote as if you care about peace and our brave military troops.

Vote if you care about how animals are treated.

Vote as if everything depends on your one little voice.

Make your little voice big; make your little voice heard.

And vote, damn it.


If you care about anything or anyone at all, vote!

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Kimberly Valzania  |  Contribution: 157,260

author: Kimberly Valzania

Image: Jose Moreno / Unsplash

Image: lauraklinke_art / Instagram

Editor: Julie Balsiger