September 30, 2021

Feng Shui & Design: 7 Easy Tips to Follow for Ambiance Success.


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We hear so much about mind, body, spirit connection and the relevance in aligning all three for “perfect balance.”

However, often left out of the conversation is our homes, which play a significant role in an aligned and happy connection to ourselves and our surroundings.

Energy flows where attention goes, and if our attention is distracted by clutter and careless order in our dwelling, our subconscious is affected.

Like Feng Shui or neuro-architecture, many environmental practices share the belief that the energy in our homes affects our bodies and lives; the idea that our outside spaces reflect how we feel inside!’

I am part rule breaker, part guideline lover.

I love to break the rules and push the limits. I do so often in Feng Shui, which provides me invaluable feedback and knowledge on “what happens if.”

As much as I push the limits, I’ve learned a few specific guidelines that provide the best outcomes if followed. For example, the placement of mirrors is critical. I learned the hard way after placing multiple mirrors in line with doors, then shifting them. I discovered a mirror facing a doorway would push energy back out every time, which affects opportunity, and we don’t want that to leave!

Being a guideline pusher has taught me where to play in the energy and intend areas to work. While it’s never my intention to come off as spiritually superior, the information here is to share what I have found harmonizing.

May the following tips be helpful to aid in life flowing a little bit easier:

1. Style

Style is personal; we all have our own! We don’t have to create our space(s) according to what some book or person says is beautiful to have beautiful results. Decorating taste aside, we can make pieces or items showcase well together by telling a story. When visitors come to a home, it is similar to reading a book. We can maximize this idea by asking ourselves, “What story am I sharing?”

To give a room character is to decorate about 70 percent in a particular style, then complete the remaining 30 percent in a different style. We can spice up a largely traditional scheme by sprinkling contemporary items, or vice versa. It’s more about how the story is put together than if modern and traditional schemes blend.

2. Color

It’s easy to choose colors for various rooms using Feng Shui. We can look at the Bagua Map or use the elemental system for some basic guidelines:

>> Bathroom: Blue, Green, Pink, White
>> Bedroom: Skin-toned colors
>> Baby Room: Blue, Green, “Teddy Bear”/Skin-toned Colors
>> Dining Room: Pink, Red, Neutrals, Violet
>> Foyer: Black, Blue, Grey, Pink, White
>> Kitchen: Orange, Red, White
>> Living Room: Blue, Brown, Violet, White, Yellow
>> Office: Blue, Brown, Green, Pink (suggestions also vary by occupation)

Darker colors bring a sense of healing, relaxation, and calm, while brighter colors promote more dynamic action, illumination, and boldness.

Color evokes emotion, so it’s important to celebrate what we enjoy seeing and how certain colors make us feel. There are many ways to add specific color(s) in an area without painting walls (toss pillows, throw blankets, art).

Following is a general design recommendation for color proportion: a dominant color at 60 percent, secondary at 30 percent, and accent color at 10 percent. If using four colors, split the secondary, or scale back the dominant color; leave the accent color to about 10 percent.

3. Foyer

 The entryway sets the tone of our home. We can beautify the foyer with a rug sized to fit the space, and the general rule is to keep 18″ of space around a rug. We can also coordinate rug colors with the decor. For a more Feng-Shui-friendly approach, use a black or navy rug to support career energy.

One piece of influential art can be powerful in a foyer. We don’t want to overwhelm our guests with a bunch of clutter or overstimulation.

Adding a table with a lamp creates a welcoming mood inside and outside the home. Like long ago, a light in the window was a silent prayer for a safe return of the absent person. Putting the light on a timer from dusk to midnight keeps your mind at ease while creating an inviting atmosphere. Upon the table, we can add additional delight for our guests by filling a bowl with candy or treats.

4. Dining Room

We want our dining rooms to be inviting, comfy, and peaceful. Think ample sunlight—not too bright and not too dull. A mirror reflecting the table supports abundance and connection and bonus points for an oval dining table with no sharp corners. So energy can travel around the entirety of a table, keeping the table off the wall if possible. Some may benefit from knowing a glass dining table can promote anxiety, so avoid glass tops when needed.

Ideally, the table should be sized appropriately for the number of family members, chair count even, and balanced size and shape.

For those who have less symmetrical styled taste and want to mix and match dining chairs, be creative and think of ways to create balance in the area, so each seat is seen as “equal” to the others.

5. Bedroom

Our bedrooms represent our intimate relationships, including the one with ourselves. Generally speaking, skin-toned colors can be beneficial for a bedroom, and keeping things focused on love and intimacy is essential. To learn more about bedroom harmony or if relationships are a focus, check out “Bedroom Feng Shui: 8 Tips to help Ignite a Romantic & Passionate Partnership.” (*One rule I’ve learned to always follow was disposing of a mattress from a previous marriage, and you can read about it here also).

6. Kitchen

Tracing back in time, food has always been a way of bringing people together, and therefore the kitchen can represent family energy. The kitchen is also representative of the status of our health. Our kitchens feel good when they are in order, clean countertops, dishes in the dishwasher, and food placed out of sight. Fresh fruit beautifully displayed for sharing on the counter adds a sweet display; fresh flowers and a candle burning aids in creating a welcoming kitchen.

Appliances arranged in a triangular position are favored in Feng Shui. We can add a plant on the countertop between two appliances when this isn’t the case, like a stove and sink arranged side by side.

7. Living Room/Fireplaces

We want our family rooms to be balanced with other spaces in the home, and for each family member to have a place to sit. It’s ideal for the furniture to face the entryway and for the host to have a seat in the “power position” (diagonal from the door, facing the entry). Good air quality, natural light, and happy art are all supportive.

In Feng Shui, a fireplace promotes the fire element, so while popular, candles on or around the fireplace are not recommended as it adds more fire. It’s essential to keep the fireplace tidy and clean from ash, old burned wood.

A metal firewood holder can balance the fire element as well as balancing the height of the mantle. Adding water elements like a mirror over a fireplace or glass vases can also balance the fire element. In addition, fireplace mantles can be used to display art, books, figurines, and plants.

If you find the above helpful or are inspired to try something new, please share in the comments!

May the information here support you to create a beautiful space!


For more from Gina and Jennifer:

Gina’s Author Page

Jennifer’s Author Page

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Gina Nicole Ballard & Jennifer Lord

author: Gina Nicole Ballard & Jennifer Lord

Image: madebyralu/instagram

Editor: Lisa Erickson