November 30, 2021

Wrapping up 2021 & Moving into the Year of Peace & Hope, according to Astrology.


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*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


It is difficult to believe that 2021 is coming to an end.

If you are of the mindset that we are shifting into a new consciousness, you have likely had an intense year. I, along with others in my spiritual community, have been feeling as though time is accelerating at a lightning-speed pace, as if events that transpired just a few hours ago, felt like days.

We have also been experiencing strange bodily sensations and needing more rest and downtime. My brain has been feeling as if it’s made of Teflon, as things that used to stick in long-term memory are just sliding right off. And ever since October, I have been feeling incredibly distracted and overwhelmed.

Others have reported feeling lost and disoriented, knowing that they need to make a major life change, but can’t quite put their finger on what it is.  It is as if our life pre-2020 doesn’t quite fit but we don’t know exactly what does.

Many of us have also recently moved or plan to. I believe these are all part of the upgrading process we are going through as we continue birthing this new world. We are working through heavy energy, letting go of fear, processing trauma, and moving out of brain-centered living into heart-centered living. Additionally, we are still in the middle of this collective dark night of the soul experience. Because of this collective trauma, we are not able to function as we once did. Hopefully, you are being kind and gentle with yourself because there is still some intense energy that is coming our way as we wrap up the year.

I recall last year, around this time, many were eagerly awaiting 2021 with some naive hope that this would be the end of the 2020 madness. However, I felt that 2021 was going to be more challenging in some ways, as we would continue to experience more contractions within this birthing process. As predicted, 2021 has definitely felt as though it was a continuation of 2020.

Numerologically, 2020 was the year number four, which symbolized structure and foundation, and 20/20 vision or seeing things clearly. The universal force was asking us to re-examine our lives and determine what is and isn’t working anymore. 2020 ended with the Grand Conjuncture when Jupiter and Saturn aligned at zero degrees Aquarius to designate the official start of the Age of Aquarius, which signifies breaking down old structures to create new ones, doing what is best for humanity, and letting go of victim-consciousness.

In 2020, we illuminated the matrix and now in 2021, we are asked to start rebuilding it. 2021, year number five, symbolizes freedom and creativity. The major astrological pattern of the year is the Uranus and Saturn square, which is an extremely rare occurrence. It is not only occurring once but three times this year, which highlights how powerful this year is. Uranus and Saturn squared in February and June, and we are now approaching the final square at the end of December. Uranus is the planet that rules Aquarius, which represents freedom, innovation, and change. Saturn is our challenge and limitation. This pattern is asking us to resolve the conflict between our need for freedom and our need for structure and security.

I had my own matrix shake-up this year. At the end of last year, I planned a two-week road trip, which began around the time of Grand Conjuncture in one of the most spiritually charged places on the planet, Mt. Shasta. I intended to then travel to various sacred sites in California, such as Mt. Tamalpais, Mt. Diablo, and Joshua Tree.

After spending a few days at Mt. Shasta, I headed toward the bay area. However, I was feeling extremely uneasy. I felt that the vicinity around Mt. Shasta, beginning at Redding to the Oregon border, was spiritually protected and I just wanted to go back. Despite my trepidation, I continued toward Mt. Tamalpais. As I hiked, my pictures captured purple orbs that I had seen on many of my pictures taken at Mt. Shasta. I felt like the energy of Mt. Shasta was following me.

However, when I wasn’t in nature, I continued feeling this uneasiness. As I crossed over the bay area bridge on my way to Mt. Diablo, I experienced a strange premonition: big cities were going to become dangerous and extinct and I need to move out of Chicago. This shocked me because, in 2019, I moved to what I thought would be my forever home. Although I had considered moving out of Chicago many years ago, despite traveling to over 70 countries and many states within the United States, no place seemed to feel like home.

Once again, my purple orbs followed me as I hiked at Mt. Diablo. However, I could still feel the mountain pulling me back, so I heeded the call. I spent an amazing week in Mt. Shasta. When I returned home, I started researching the Shasta area and was shocked at how affordable it was. Because winters were so dreadful in Chicago and I was able to work remotely, I decided to book an Airbnb for a month in Shasta to experience living there.

Although I originally wanted to stay in Mt. Shasta City, the only place I could find was an adorable little studio nearby in Weed. The month I stayed there was absolutely magical. I fell in love with the area, the community, as well as the view of the mountain, which forms a heart shape. I now call Weed the heart of Mt. Shasta. One of the hardships of living in Chicago was that, despite living there my whole life, I really didn’t feel a sense of community. Additionally, with the increasing crime, 5G exposure, concentrated fear, high taxes, and assessments, moving made perfect sense. When I returned right after the spring equinox, I put my home on the market.

As I awaited the sale of my home, I intuitively felt that I had to be in the Shasta area no later than the end of September. I felt that the energy was going to amplify in October and continue into the new year. When I later researched the astrology, I learned that we would enter into a retrograde storm by the end of September. Although it would only last a few weeks (unlike last year that lasted most of the year), I could feel its intensity. And, boy, was it intense!

Again, we were confronted with more of our fears, old programming, and karma that needed to be addressed and cleared. It was emotionally exhausting. Although we are now on the other side of the retrograde storm, the energy remains intense because we are now in eclipse season, which sets the stage for the next 18 months of our journey. For the last two years, we had been working with Gemini and Sagittarius energy as the eclipses and nodes were in these signs. When the nodes changed into Sagittarius and Gemini in May of 2020, a large focus in the world was around communicating (Gemini) and discussing philosophical viewpoints (Sagittarius).

Now, we are switching into Taurus and Scorpio energy and things will be getting even more serious; life (Taurus) and death (Scorpio) serious. Taurus is in the north node, which represents what we need to be focusing on. Taurus symbolizes what we value and what truly matters, as well as our material world such as finances and home.

Additionally, I have heard that the winter solstice will be quite powerful. The United States will be having its Pluto return in February, which may result in a drastic change for not only our country but the whole world. Looking ahead to 2022, year number six, this symbolizes the year of peace and hope.

However, keep in mind that 2021 energy overlaps 2022 energy until the year officially starts at the beginning of spring. Therefore, the beginning of the calendar year might be incredibly challenging until we fully get into the 2022 energy. I anticipate more instability and unveiling of truths within the 3D matrix. Something to keep in mind is that the universe never gives us anything we cannot handle and everything we are experiencing is for our greater good and spiritual growth.

If we are not rooted in the material and old ways of doing things, we will be okay. As I have mentioned in previous articles, the best thing we can do is to continue focusing on creating the world we want, aligning spiritually, and making the time to take care of ourselves. I am now in Mt. Shasta building my new life with hopes of creating a beautiful community built on love, truth, and peace. Hope you are staying well and grounded as we move into this new Earth!


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author: Christina Samycia

Image: tailored.art/Instagram

Editor: Juliana Otis