April 14, 2022

Libra Full “Pink” Moon: 5 Ways to a Fresh Restart with a Prosperity Ritual. {April 16}


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Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


I shared earlier in the month (April 2022), this is a time for us to take charge, leap with courage, and embody all parts of our black sheep self!

The beginning of the month was a time for us to set new intentions for that. I suggested the benefit available to look back to April 29, 2014, at dated photos and journal entries. We had a similar Solar Eclipse to that which will transpire at the end of April 2022. The energy is parallel.

I know my life changed drastically that year; I wrapped up a career as a flight attendant and met my now-husband, leading to a cross-country move. That same transformative energy is upon us, and this Full Moon is a fresh restart to do it again!

If you didn’t set intentions at the New Moon at the beginning of the month, all good. We can go back and take note of what we were thinking about and focusing on, and release what doesn’t work now.

The opportunity this Libra Full “Pink” Moon brings is optimal growth and significant change. The traditional name “Pink Moon” stems from Native American folklore. It’s termed “Pink Moon” from the symbolism of the pink wildflowers blossoming in the spring, a season of renewal and rebirth. It’s time to rid of the lesson trodden burdens we have been carrying, so we can have a new chance to uplevel.

We can mark our calendars for Saturday, April 16, 2022, at 1:54 p.m. CST. While we won’t be able to see the glow of the Pink Moon visually until after sunset, we will be able to harness the energy it provides three to five days before and after.

Here are five ways to open to possibilities and have a fresh restart:

1. Forgive.

The one thing I see standing in the way of so many of my clients, friends, and even my own journey—an unforgiving heart. There is no better season for forgiveness than the fresh rebirth of spring, the perfect season to forgive, ask for forgiveness if necessary, and get brutally honest with ourselves about what needs are not being met.

2. Tend to the garden of the mind.

As William Wordsworth wrote, “Your mind is the garden, your thoughts are the seeds, the harvest can either be flowers or weeds.” One of the essential gardens we can tend to this spring is the mind’s garden. The Pink Moon is a prime time to address our negative thoughts, outdated beliefs, and ideas that allow for unbalanced relationships to exist. No matter how ready the new is for us, we won’t be ready for the new if we choose to hold on to old, unsupportive patterns and thoughts. Mindset work is necessary. We can use mirror or affirmation work, listen to a helpful mindset podcast (I like The Mindest Mentor), journal, refresh our routines, or something else that calls. The most important thing about shifting mindset is committing to it. It’s a practice. Just don’t do nothing! If you could benefit from group support on this one, I invite you to join my husband and me for the gifted “Full Moon Fresh Start” experience I mention below. We’ll be kicking off on the Full Moon!

3. Plant seeds.

When we let nature be our most remarkable example and guide, we quickly see that spring is the prime time to plant new seeds. We can do this metaphorically with intention and mindset, and physically by planting a garden, flower, or even a houseplant. When we do, we naturally align with the new life that is beginning to bloom. And we’d benefit from remembering just as plants need enough time to germinate and grow, so do we. Patience is a necessary gift.

4. Make adjustments to balance emotions.

It will be vital for us to be aware of our judgments and feelings and maintain emotional balance. If we refer to color meanings via subtle energy medicine, pink is a mix of red; the power and potency of red, mixed with the Divinity and light of white, make pink, which promotes an emotionally charged energy. The literal glow of pink can lead people to function without reason, make rash decisions, and take sudden actions that have substantial repercussions. But when we prioritize peace and calm under the libra pink moon, our emotions come into harmony, and we think with a balance of our hearts and minds. Schedule meditation and breathwork now!

5. Do a prosperity ritual.

It is long believed that the pink moon can attract abundance and prosperity in our lives. As mentioned above, pink is a potent color, and it naturally eliminates negative energy around us.

We can intend good fortune and abundance with a Feng Shui ritual this Full Moon:

>> From your front door or door to a room you choose, find the far back left corner, which is the abundance, prosperity, and wealth section of the Bagua Map in BTB Feng Shui.

>> Clean the area with a natural cleaner. If available, I use vinegar and water and diffuse some frankincense or another favorite essential oil. As you are cleaning, think of all the old beliefs and stories you are ready to get rid of and imagine them being washed away.

>> In the present tense, write down all of the prosperity and wealth desires you have. Place this in a pink envelope, or you can write on pink paper or with a pink pen to note the moon.

>> Place your musings in this corner while thinking and visualizing this intention to come to light.

>> Lastly, seal this mini Pink Moon altar with one of the traditional Feng Shui symbols:

Eight stalks of lucky bamboo
4 – 8 coins
Healthy fruit
Gem tree
Money frog
Money Tree

Leave this altar in place for as long as you choose (at least five days after the Full Moon, though, I suggest waiting until the next Libra New Moon September 25, 2022).

>> Finally, commit to nurturing the inlets of energy in the home. Clean the front door, imagine new prosperity, and clean the stove. As you use the burners throughout the week, rotate the ones you use, so all pathways for prosperity are activated.

May this Libra Full Pink Moon bring you a fresh start and big prosperity! If you would like to take these rituals to the next level, I invite you to join my husband and me for a live ritual on the Libra Full Pink Moon, and a week of processing, sharing, and most certainly…laughter. Join us here. It’s a week-long experience where you can activate the energy of lunar living, and prepare for the grand renewal of the New Moon, the solar eclipse at the end of April. The time is now for a big renewal; say yes, and let’s have fun!

Are you feeling the energy for that fresh restart? Please do let me know in the comments, I would love to hear from you.


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author: Gina Nicole Ballard

Image: josiesillustrations/Instagram

Editor: Sukriti Chhopra