February 22, 2022

The worst President ever—Trevor Noah’s & The Daily Show’s Hilarious commentary on Barack Obama’s Presidency.

Let’s remember Barack Obama’s scandalous presidency.

He ate cheeseburgers with dijon mustard, wore a helmet while riding a bike, and wore a tan suit. What a monster!

Trevor Noah and his team just released this hilarious collection of Obama’s failures in office. The next time a conservative friend starts bashing Obama, please show them this clip.

This clip is not only funny, but it also touches on a pretty important topic. I am talking about double standards in politics.

What makes something a scandal and what doesn’t? What strategies are certain news networks using to create outrage? And, most importantly, why are they getting away with that?

The main reason is that public opinion loves to bash individuals more than it loves context. We lost our ability to look at the bigger picture and react emotionally to almost every headline.

Comedians like Noah became the voice of reason, while anchors at Fox News became the new comedians.

There are times when we can’t win an argument with logic (especially when arguing with Trump supporters), but sometimes a little comedy can help.

I would like to see leading conservatives watching this clip without admitting that Noah is actually right.

Is anyone really able to continue the narrative of Obama being the worst president ever without laughing at themselves? And how do they explain the blatant misinformation presented by folks like Hannity and Carlson?

But enough of my words, I hope you enjoy watching the man who will headline this year’s White House Correspondents’ Association dinner in April.

Thank you for this clip. It made my day. How about you?

Watch it here.

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