January 3, 2022

7 Inspirational Authors to Keep an Eye on in 2022.

“I couldn’t have said that any better.”

Do you know this feeling after reading an inspiring article? This feeling that someone else perfectly worded what was going on in our minds.

Of course, there are these super-famous authors we all know and love. We share quotes from Emily Dickinson, Charles Bukowski, Mary Oliver, and many others. But what about the real heroes?

This article is about these heroes. It’s about the ones who inspire me with their consistency, thoughtfulness, and passion. These authors might not make millions with their writing, but they regularly make my days.

And isn’t that what writing is all about?

Here are seven inspirational authors to keep an eye on in 2022:

1. Nicole Baptista

Why do we become people-pleasers? After reading Nicole’s take on this phenomenon, I finally started to understand the root of my own behavioral patterns. But the reason why I love reading her work is not about me at all. I love how Nicole helps me to understand women better.

I know that’s a big one. But reading her takes on relationships, patriarchy, and self-care taught me more about women than watching several seasons of “Sex and the City.”

2. Sarah Jeanne Browne

Sarah is one of these authors who makes me scream, “Get out of my head!”

As someone who is struggling to find a good work-life balance, I love reading Sarah’s takes on mental health, spirituality, and nutrition. Her voice gives me hope, motivates me to do better, and, most importantly, reminds me that I am not the only one who is struggling to find balance.

3. Edie Weinstein

Don’t tell anyone, but Edie is probably my favorite of all time. She cares about social justice and bravely shares her voice with the world. Even angry comments on social media won’t stop her—and I respect her so much for that.

Edie writes about racism, sexism, politics, and current events in a way that inspires my own writing, way of thinking, and perspective on U.S. politics. If you want to know what’s up in the world–ask Edie.

4. Sharon DeNofa

Sharon has the talent to write stories on love, relationships, and loneliness that I actually enjoy reading. As a politics nerd, I have to admit that I don’t read every article on these topics, but I never miss any of Sharon’s.

When I write about politics, I always try to make it relatable to those who usually don’t follow politics—and Sharon does exactly that for me when it comes to love and feelings. Her authentic way of sharing her heart regularly touches mine and brings the softness into my life that is so much-needed.

5. Elizabeth Gordon

If you need someone to lift you up, Elizabeth is the author to follow. She gives practical advice on how to look at the bright side of life and take things into our own hands.

Elizabeth offers helpful advice on spirituality without drifting into the good-vibes-only pattern we all know. Especially at the beginning of a New Year, we could all use some of Elizabeth’s wisdom. If you struggle with overthinking and perfectionism, please make sure to follow this author.

6. James Ezimoha

The more I get to know about James, the more I want to know about him.

James writes about the topics men usually try to avoid. His takes on toxic masculinity, sexuality, and grief show us that men are actually able to talk about their feelings. Even more important, James offers a perspective on male thought patterns that we often don’t get to hear about.

I wish there were more male authors who are self-confident enough to share their deepest fears and desires in a mindful way. And if that wasn’t enough, he also runs a quite entertaining Twitter account. Go, James!

7. You

Wait, what? Yes, I am keeping an eye out for your first article. We are all writers; we just need to write. You can immediately get started here.

But you are not alone. If you need some help to get started, we got you covered.

Every journey starts with the first steps. We are here to help you to find your voice. And that’s how we are going to make a difference in 2022.

The world needs more people who actually care—and that’s why I care so much about these people. #mayitbeofbenefit



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Robert Busch  |  Contribution: 160,745

author: Robert Busch

Image: Elephant Journal Authors' Profile Pictures